Spiritual Science
Kriya Yoga has the support of a Lineage and is a traditional system of Yoga to obtain Enlightenment. As a Spiritual Science, Yoga becomes a path of liberation from the material law of karma into Self Realization. It all begins with the Union of an individual with the Divine.

Kriya Yoga is Union with the Divine; “The eight essential stages of Yoga” are a complete holistic health management system that translate into a path of action, a path of knowledge, and a path of devotion. These lifestyle strategies are designed to initiate a process in physiological, psychological, and spiritual development that unfolds in three phases: pre-personal or unconscious awareness, personal or self-conscious awareness and transpersonal or super-conscious awareness. Total Consciousness is the goal of Yoga.” Kenneth Toy (Swami Jayananda)
Spiritual Science is the Initiation of this lost process in physiological, psychological, and spiritual development; which offers individuals solution to common problems in today’s world. We are bridging the gap between ancient religions and modern science. Listen to the Blog Post.
The first four stages of Kriya Yoga; Yama, Niyama, Asana, and Pranayama translate into practices. A path of Action, a path of Knowledge, and a path of Devotion.
Learn the physics of Spirituality; like attracts like and two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time.
Experience; Apotheosis, the process of the human becoming Divine.
Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are a complete holistic health management system to initiate the process in human development.
The last four stages of Kriya Yoga: Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are the Process. The same practice at a different level of consciousness and degree of awareness.
The process in human development called apotheosis has an evidence procedure; where the individual goes from unconscious awareness, to self-conscious awareness, to super conscious awareness. This process parallels the metamorphosis of a butterfly; caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.
Humans have to be taught how to grow psychologically and spiritually; which means we can chronologically age and remain in an underdeveloped state. Join us and initiate your process in development and experience the benefits of Prana Power!