Title: Investing in a Resource Based Economy.
Investing in a Resource Based Economy with Kriya Yoga at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. Use what you need to know you are happy.
Investing is a radio talk show with the title Investing in a Resource Based Economy
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the concept of a multidimensional reality system. Things are happening on different levels simultaneously and attuning yourself to all the levels gives you options and access to resources. Listen in as they explain the difference between a need and a want; and how to prioritize your needs, in an order of importance. They will talk about how to use your Kriya Yoga practice to connect yourself to the Life Force and experience the benefit of Prana Power . Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and feel connected to something Pure, Powerful, and Sacred.
- The easiest way to get off the grid is to separate from it. Making an adjustment by updating your values. Putting what is important to life in its position of importance in your value system. Put God first is the order of business in this model. Why God? Because God is the Life Force and without this resource we seem to die immediately.
- The term in yoga is called “detachment” which, is an interesting concept. Detach from the unnecessary dependencies and substitute the necessary to produce the feeling of contentment.
- Is it possible to “detach?” No, we all have desire and matter can’t be created or destroyed; only changed.
- Why do we call it detach? I don’t know because in this model we “detach” from one but “attach” to another resource. This is Yoga– Union with the Divine.
- What do we mean by a resource based economy? Gold? Diamond? No, we are talking essential needs. The forces that are supporting our lives, Prana, air, water, food. More basic and less tangible.