Heaven’s Kingdom
Title: Heaven’s Kingdom is at Hand
Life in matter must be given up for Life in Spirit to qualify for the Divine entry.
Heaven’s Kingdom is a radio talk show with the title Heaven’s Kingdom is at Hand.

Heaven’s Kingdom:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the omnipresent Divine creation which is everywhere always but no one can see it with the corporeal sense mind. In this show they will discuss the Allness of the perfect Divine Principle and how to gain entry into conscious awareness. Listen as they explain the birth of Christ in consciousness as the saving aspect of Truth. John 8:21 “21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and step out of time into Eternity.
- To understand the omnipresent Divine Principle is the most important accomplishment available to a human being, yet no human can ever Know the Divine Principle. Life in matter must be given up for Life in Spirit to qualify for the Divine entry. Matthew 4:17 “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
- The interpretation of the word “repent” has been the difference maker for me. No to plead for forgiveness but to think differently; to stop thinking and Start Knowing. The Divine creation is everywhere always for those who have eyes to see. A common mistake in the “New age community” is the turning from thinking to feeling which in many cases is jumping from the frying pan into the fire or the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Human intelligence which is the mid mind in Kriya Yoga consists of the four mental functions of perception, reason, memory or feeling, and intuition all of which are driven by the belief in two powers and work on contrast.
- Why to stay away from feeling as an indicator of Divine Truth. Gilbert Carpenter MBE, HSF chapter 20.
“It must be recognized, that Mrs. Eddy’s gauge of whether her thought was handled by animal magnetism, differed from that of many of her students, for they measured the extent to which error was influencing them by how they felt: depressed, sick, in pain, or discouraged. Such was not Mrs. Eddy’s standard. She gauged her freedom from mortal belief solely by the clarity of her spiritual thought, by whether she could think of God intelligently, by how real and how near He seemed to her.
This is a most important metaphysical point for the advanced student, because the mistake of using one’s feelings as a gauge, as to whether one is handled by animal magnetism is that, in a mental state of exhilaration without an ache or a pain, man may be further from God, than when he is depressed or is suffering. When he feels badly, he is out of tune with God, to be sure, but he is struggling to get back. But, when he is in a state of mental exhilaration, he may be out of tune with God, and in tune with that with which he should not be; yet, because he feels well and happy, he is not driven to make the struggle to throw off the domination of the enemy of God.” Heaven’s Kingdom is at Hand. - Herb Fitch Soundbite RO 24b Talking Points: 1) “Now we are being lifted to the realization that there is another Consciousness present than the one which we call our human consciousness.” – 2) “Our Consciousness is God.” 3) “Your Consciousness is Divine Consciousness because you are Divine Spirit.” 4) “Right where you are that disquiet is the wrong channel, the wrong consciousness, the false, the untrue and in the upper firmament right where you are is your Divine Consciousness if you will but rest. And wait. And listen. And trust.” 5) ” Not the truth of the mind, but the Truth of the Spirit.” 6) “We lose belief that there is a power beside the pure, perfect power of Spirit.” 7) “The consciousness of God is our being.” 8) “That means there’s a change of consciousness that takes place; an anointing. An inner Self replaces the outer appearing self. And then a transformation takes place. You live and move and have your Being, your activity emanates from the Divine center, which is the All, and this outer form though still present in appearance, is an instrument of the Infinite Spirit.”
- In the book The Infinite Way Joel Goldsmith states, “Spiritual illumination reveals the harmony of being and dispels the evidence of material sense. It does not change anything in the universe for this is a spiritual universe peopled with children of God, but the illumination changes our concept of the universe.
This is but the beginning of this vast subject, and while we are discussing it, let us keep thought removed as far as possible from the world of sense and anchored in the conscious awareness of spiritual reality.”