Title: Kriya Yoga a Guide for Effective Living.
Guide at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio show describing Kriya Yoga as a practical guide to effective living.
Kriya Yoga a Guide for Effective Living
Guide is a radio show about the application of Kriya Yoga practices as a practical guide for effective living.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will explain how the Eight Essential Stages of Kriya Yoga are a practical guide for highly effective living. They will emphasize the importance of “Union with the Divine; as the power source for a successful experience. They will discuss the difference between ordinary advice and a guided practice with connection. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness!
Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and experience the power of Prana.
1. As they say in business; if you don’t have a plan, you are planning to fail.
2. Kriya Yoga is a PLAN for effective living.
3. Targets 7 major Chakras and 12 departments of life.
4. Path of Action, Knowledge, and Devotion.
5. The power of the Trinity
6. Skillful use of thought, breath, water, food and exercise
7. Aim for heaven and earth comes with it.
8. 180 degrees from pop-psychology saying there are no should’s
9. We want to be whole
10. Intelligent and not emotional
1. Essential stages not options
2. Sequential– they build on each other.
3. Brahmacharya comes before Saucha; get another branch in your other hand.
4. CS Lewis driving somewhere and you miss your turn; to continue going may not get you closer to your destination.
5. Watered down “yoga,” modified, diluted, self-made systems, usually effect the outcome.
6. In fact if what is being taught isn’t in 8 essential stages it shouldn’t be called Yoga.
7. The first 4 stages are the practices; action, knowledge, and devotion.
8. The last 4 stages are the process; yes the practices are designed to do something.
9. The physics of Spirituality– the evidence procedure of the process.
10. Change your desire and you change your nature.
11. Misconceptions and self-deceptions