Dynamic Range
Title: The Dynamic Range of Divine Mind
When we think with Mind doing everything everywhere always at once with an auto focus on Truth; it makes Perfection the only outcome.
Dynamic Range is a radio talk show titled The Dynamic Range of Divine Mind.

Dynamic Range:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the operations of Divine Mind and the benefit of Knowing this Truth. Listen as they explain the outside world is a mental image and the more Divinely mental the more harmonious and indestructible the appearance. In this show they will explain the advantages of Spiritual perception and the Principle of Oneness. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live in the Knowledge of Divine Mind.
- I would like to focus on the difference between thinking and Knowing and use some of the advances in technology to see how science is catching up with Mary Baker Eddy to some degree. The first observation is the recognition of perfection as being a more attainable goal thanks to the computer and AI. Thanks to the computer the human standard has been lifted dramatically from what was considered “good” back in 1900. Advances in automobiles and telephones, for me, are the most obvious but today let’s look at photography to create a metaphor for “thinking.” The term dynamic range used in photography becomes a great metaphor for advancement in thinking made visible. The idea of “forgiveness” translated into image capture back in the earlier stages of camera the snap shot was the final outcome with very little room for improvement. Today with newer cameras there is a broader band of allowance to the snap shot that can be rectified in postproduction. By adding information to a file enables options for the original event to make adjustments to alter the outcome.
- The comparison of the mortal mind to a camera with limited functions and also some degree of dynamic range can be seen and applied in metaphysics. How we think is what we become and with thought along with belief one can change outcomes for good or for bad. To break it down using the three modes of mortal thought we can say the first degree is a simple camera a light on film image. This is animal magnetism or the lowest level of consciousness; instinct, appetite, preservation, and survival what we call Gemini the lower mind in Kriya Yoga. The second degree is a more modern digital electronic camera with dynamic range capabilities. This is human intelligence the mid level of consciousness; perception, reason, memory, and intuition the ability to make conscious choices based on values in accordance with universal order; what we call Virgo the mid mind in Kriya Yoga. The third degree is a modern camcorder or professional video recorder with audio and things like S-Log 3 formats. The collective consciousness out-picturing the world consciousness in full 4K Ultra High Definition what we call Sagittarius the higher mind in Kriya Yoga. All these gadgets work in time and space and have their limitations to represent the perfect image. If this is as far as we go we miss the message of the Christ and the discovery of Mary Baker Eddy– Life is Perfect.
- What is the dynamic range of Divine Mind? How can the dynamic range of Divine Mind help humanity attain the Spiritual request of Perfection? First and foremost Divine Mind is absolute thus out of time and space which removes the limits of mortal sense when perceiving with the Divine Principle. The difference between the mortal sense of forgiveness and the immortal Truth.
- Soundbite from Herb Fitch Revelation of St. John class 5B.
- How does repentance assist humanity in the quest for Perfection? The idea of thinking differently is similar to photography in that there is a learning curve. You can’t shoot a wedding video with a 50 year old camera and you can’t know the Truth with the mortal mind– so, there has to be an upgrade in equipment. Let’s look at something Mary Baker Eddy wrote in Body, “We live in a universe of perfect form. Not only our body, but all that is formed is literally the body of God and is perfect now. To believe that the infinite substance has been malformed through the ignorant mental activity of the individual, and must be redeemed and perfected through the same activity, is to see not one power, but two. There is no condition in the body. There is nothing in the body to be rebuilt or straightened or healed. There is nothing to change. There is nothing needed but to see God. Stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord. Your spoken word is not needed to make wholeness manifest, for wholeness is the eternal state of the unseen and the seen, the unformed and the formed; but it is needed for your unfoldment, for the unfolding and broadening and deepening of the individual until he realizes this perfection. Stop trying to think God into manifestation. God is manifest now. God’s glory and perfection are everywhere visible to him that hath eyes to see.”