CPS September 2019
We must be conscious of Divine Presence to activate it in our experience.
We must be conscious of Divine Presence to activate it in our experience.
We must be conscious of Divine Presence to activate it in our experience.
We must be conscious of Divine Presence to activate it in our experience.
How do you know Kriya Yoga Theory 1 is working for you? When you are thinking right.
Title: Sermon on the Mount Beatitudes Unboxed
“Heal the sick.’ It is the healer’s understanding of the operation of the divine Principle, and his application thereof, which heals the sick, just as it is one’s understanding of the principle of mathematics which enables him to demonstrate its rules.” Mary Baker Eddy
Title: Real Life Truth or Consequence.
It is very clear to me that in Christian Science, healing is not the goal; but if you are not healing the sick, reforming the sinner, raising the dead, (what Jesus called preaching the gospel)– you aren’t even at base camp.
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