Title: Resolutions For The New Year 2016.
Join in as they explain some of the Kriya Yoga concepts about the mind and chakra system; and how to use resolutions as affirmations with clear intentions.
Affirmations: Resolutions For The New Year 2016

Affirmations: Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the New Year and how it can be a wonderful time to start a new life. They will discuss the power of the mind and how it can be used to create changes in our reality. Join in as they explain some of the Kriya Yoga concepts about the mind and chakra system; and how to use resolutions as affirmations with clear intentions. The best way to create your future is to create it. Resolutions are thoughts with specific intentions; how we think is what we become. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul to help give your thoughts the Powered of intention.
1. The Labyrinth give you a way to understand the Chakra System so we can arrange things into departments of Life.
2. How we think is what we become making the astral/mental body the infrastructure of reality; getting into the mind and locating thoughts is an art in itself.
3. In a similar way that a web developer can view a site in design view and then in code view. A yogi becomes proficient at seeing the underlying thought patterns that are creating reality.
4. Belief gives thought the power of intention.
5. How we ask for what we what
6. What we desire determines our nature.
7. Knowing the difference between a need and a want is paramount.
8. Mind is the template for our reality once the image has been recorded.
Kriya Yoga is Union with the Divine; “The eight essential stages of Yoga” are a complete holistic health management system that translate into a path of action, a path of knowledge, and a path of devotion. These lifestyle strategies are designed to initiate a process in physiological, psychological, and spiritual development that unfolds in three phases: pre-personal or unconscious awareness, personal or self-conscious awareness and transpersonal or super-conscious awareness. Total Consciousness is the goal of Yoga.” Kenneth Toy (Swami Jayananda)