Inspired Spirit
Title: Light is Spirit Inspired with Truth.
The outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One when Divine Truth is the only consciousness.
Inspired Spirit is a radio talk show with the title Light is Spirit Inspired with Truth.

Inspired Spirit:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Spiritual Light as the foundation of Life and why John said, “1:4-5 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” In this show they will discuss the term “writing” in the Bible as the process of Spiritual substance being infused with the Divine Will, known as Light. Listen as they explore what is meant by “to the angel of the church …. Write” in Revelations. There are seven thought windows called churches or chakras in consciousness to let in Divine Truth. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and express Divine Will.
- The tools Herb Fitch suggests in La Jolla Series 9B are Truth and Spirit. Not human truth but Divine Truth. He later instructs us on the Transfiguration of Jesus revealed to John, Peter, and James and how to internalize these figures into individual consciousness.
- Transfiguration: Mountain Top is high consciousness. John is Divine Love; to love God supremely. Peter is Faith; to have faith in the presence, Perfection, power, and activity of the God you love supremely. James is sacrifice of personal sense to surrender to the Divine Will. When these three qualities are united in individual consciousness this brings forth Moses and Elias which is Truth and Spirit. When Truth and Spirit are united this brings forth the Christ; the Light of the world.
- Light is an interesting symbol itself because there isn’t anything faster than light. Spirit inspired or infused with Divine Will is another way of describing Omnipresence, I am everywhere now. When we speak of Spiritual identity we are not saying, Spirit indwelling me or me seeking Spirit; we are saying I am One which means I am everywhere. This Spiritual Oneness is before thought and above corporeal sense which means it can’t be comprehended with a material mind.
- Educating thought up to Spiritual apprehension is always living up to individual’s highest sense of right or good. Never accepting limitations in any way shape or form and always remembering Divine Creation is Perfect.
- Applying the 7 words for God by Mary Baker Eddy to the 7 Chakras, 7 Churches, and 7 Personal Planets. 1st Chakra is Muladhara, Church is Ephesus = Existence, Planet is Saturn, CS word is Principle, the obstruction is Time, the antidote is Spiritual Sense. 2nd Chakra is Svadhisthana, Church is Smyrna = Immortal Life, Planet is Jupiter, CS word is Soul, the obstruction is Space, and the antidote is Self-existent Eternal Life. 3rd Chakra is Manipuraka, Church Pergamos = Divine Consciousness Individualized, Planet is Mars, CS word is Life, the obstruction is form or concept, the antidote is Impersonal View of Limitless Law. 4th Chakra Anahata, Church is Thyatira = Divine Love, Planet is Venus, CS word is Love, the obstruction is matter or belief, the antidote is Behold Divine Presence. 5th Chakra is Vishudda, Church is Sardis = Dominion, Planet is Mercury, CS word is Mind, the obstruction is thinking or movement, the antidote is All Seeing Light. 6th Chakra is Ajna, Church is Philadelphia = Divine Will, Planet is the Moon, CS word is Truth, the obstruction is human will or animal magnetism, the antidote is Divine Wisdom. 7th Chakra is Sahasrara, Church is Laodicea = Spiritual Identity, Planet is Sun, CS word is Spirit, obstruction is personal sense or ego, antidote is Truth of Being.
- More on Light: Bicknell Young Oneness under Humility, “In Genesis, it reads: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” In the beginning God created the understanding and consciousness of Principle and idea as one. In another statement, Jesus said: “I am the root and the offspring of David, . . .” (Rev. 22:16) He did not say, “I am the root only,” or “I am the offspring only,” but “I am the root and the offspring of David,” or Principle-and-idea or God-and-man. According to John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” And in Genesis, “And God said, let there be light: and there was light.” In other words, this understanding of ONENESS with God brings light”
- Life and Truth example by Bicknell Young in Oneness under the heading Attitude of Treatment “As a divine student he (Jesus) unfolded God to man, illustrating and demonstrating Life and Truth in himself and by his power over the sick and sinning.” (S&H 117:16) In unfolding God to man, he illustrated Life and Truth in himself (note that Life and Truth are capitalized, which means God), and he demonstrated God within himself. IT TAKES GOD TO UNFOLD GOD TO MAN. Any attempt to do it otherwise, would be a misapprehension of the Science of living. In all things we must begin with God to find the correct solution. Note the two conditions: illustrating, and demonstrating. Because Jesus illustrated Life and Truth in himself, he was the form by which we could see it; and because he demonstrated Life and Truth in himself, he showed it to us by his work, thus proving his power over the sick and sinning. Because Jesus was the “way shower,” that indicates his way must be our way. Hence, we need to understand scientific being; for all of us, some time, must be able to do the work of the Master and Mrs. Eddy.”