Aquarius 2019
Title: Twelve Signs of Spiritual Truth – Part Eleven
Know the Truth that makes you free.
Aquarius 2019 is the eleventh of a series of radio talk shows which focus on the twelve signs of the Zodiac as a map to discover Spiritual Truth.

Aquarius 2019
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda have dedicated twelve shows to discussing the twelve signs of the Zodiac as a map leading to Spiritual understanding. Each week focuses on the respective sign as an archetype used in the process of an individual becoming Divine. Listen this week as they explain the function of Aquarius to know the Truth that awakens us from the cycle of death and rebirth. These shows will explore why Divine Law cannot function in your experience if you are not conscious of Its Presence. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and become free from the law of karma.
- Aquarius is fixed air the last of the fixed signs and the last of the air signs. Key phrase is “I know” I can only think of “know the Truth and it will make you free.”
- The Truth of Being that there is only One Divine Life. To know this to be true will set us free from the law of karma.
- Aquarius – Labor: Cleansing of the Augean Stables
a. Constellations of Aquarius: 1. The Southern Fish, Pisces Australis. 2. Pegasus the winged horse, the ever inspiring higher mind. 3. Cygnus the Swan, a symbol for eternity flying in time and space. - The purification of consciousness of all erroneous concepts, thoughts and ideas. The emptying of the mind to make it an avenue of awareness for the presence of Divine Mind. Spirit is absolute Silence and silence begets Silence; like attracts like.
- What does it mean to be Christed? The Christ is the saving aspect of Truth. Christ is what makes Divine Mind intelligible to the human mind; to be able to distinguish the imitation world mind from the original Divine Mind.
- Why is the message of the Christ; to heal the sick, reform the sinner, and raise the dead? Spirit is activity the ever presence of Eternal Life and it necessitates demonstration. The language of Spirit is silence, deeds and not words. Spirit can only function in Itself; Truth must dispel error.
- We must know ourselves in the way we are known by the Creator; this is a Spiritual universe. What does it look like to know yourself Spiritually? To be whole, complete, fulfilled is beyond the rational and finite; beyond the senses and into the Absolute. We experience this as “Nothing,” “Void” because it does not register in the human mind or 5 sense mind. The dissolving force of the universe is Spirit translating everything back into Itself.