Title: Kriya Yoga is Spiritualization of Thought.
A radio talk show with the title Kriya Yoga is Spiritualization of Thought discussing the function of Divine Mind.
Kriya Yoga is Spiritualization of Thought
Thought is a radio talk show with the title Kriya Yoga is Spiritualization of Thought discussing the function of Divine Mind.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about how we think is what we become and why this is true. Listen as they discuss the struggle of life as a simple mind game. In this show they will explore the three body concept of Kriya Yoga as a menu of options for the determination of outcomes. We have enormous potential with plenty of opportunities when we are educated with the correct information. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness!
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Thought Notes:
1. How we think can be opened up into various options; the 5 sense lower mind, the 5 sense world mind or the Higher Mind or Divine Mind.
2. How do I know what function I am employing? From the fruits of your activity. We can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear.
3. What motivates me? I like to categorize these different functions or modes of operation into needs, wants, and purpose.
4. Needs stem from the 5 sense lower mind also called carnal mind, mortal mind, it is motivated by things visible and tangible. It has a belief that life is in and of matter. It is under the law of Karma with a belief in two powers.
5. Wants stem from the 5 sense world mind also called collective consciousness, it is motivated by things invisible and tangible. It has a belief that life is in and of thought. It is also under the law of Karma with a belief in two powers.
6. Purpose stems from the Higher Mind also called Divine Mind, God, Spirit, God’s Will, it is motivated by what is invisible and intangible. It has a belief that life is in and of Spirit. It is under the Divine Law of Life with a belief in One Power.
7. The Spiritualization of thought is the process of the individual graduating from the testimony of the 5 sense mind reporting the dimensions of duality to the function of Spiritual Sense which reports the Absolute. This is a “lifting up” of consciousness from the lower mind to the higher mind and the way we know is by the fruits of this change.
8. How many of us today are practicing “positive thinking?” Yet in the bible is states, “take no thought, saying what shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed?” Matthew 6:31. What we call thinking is the acknowledgement of information being reported in the 5 sense mind which sustains a belief in something other than God.
9. Spiritualization of Thought is the practice of saturating individual consciousness with the Spirit of the Truth. Acknowledgement of the Presence of Divine Law.