Flag Day
Title: Flag Day and Kriya Yoga with the Divine.
Flag Day at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio show on the use of flags to remind us of the Divine.
Flag Day and Kriya Yoga with the Divine
Flag Day is a radio show on the use of flags to remind us of the Divine.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the “flag” as a symbol to represent something much greater than itself. Join and listen how to use a prayer flag to represent your concept of the Divine. They will explain why we want to use things visible and tangible to represent what is invisible and intangible. Life is a simple mind game between symbols and feelings. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness!
Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and experience the power of Prana.
1. Having a symbol to identify with the “void”
2. Problem– mistake the symbol for the “void”
3. Acts as a reminder
4. Stay connected to the “void”
5. Breath is the ultimate Prayer Flag
6. Something that is always with you
7. Something visible to represent something invisible
8. Only 1 Truth
9. Prayer Flag represents the right symbol and the right feeling
1. Essential stages not options
2. Sequential– they build on each other.
3. Brahmacharya comes before Saucha; get another branch in your other hand.
4. CS Lewis driving somewhere and you miss your turn; to continue going may not get you closer to your destination.
5. Watered down “yoga,” modified, diluted, self-made systems, usually effect the outcome.
6. In fact if what is being taught isn’t in 8 essential stages it shouldn’t be called Yoga.
7. The first 4 stages are the practices; action, knowledge, and devotion.
8. The last 4 stages are the process; yes the practices are designed to do something.
9. The physics of Spirituality– the evidence procedure of the process.
10. Change your desire and you change your nature.
11. Misconceptions and self-deceptions