Title: International Day of Peace..
Peace celebrate International Day of Peace at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. Kriya Yoga Ashram
Peace is a radio talk show with the title International Day of Peace.

Balance on Earth: Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the United Nations International Day of Peace. They will talk about the possibility of this idealistic concept and then show how Kriya Yoga can make it a reality. You can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear; you can’t create harmony on earth without renouncing the world. They will explain the physics of Spirituality and the dynamics of a Divine Nature. Listen in if you are serious about making an individual effort that can generate a global change. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul; and become the change you want to see; Peace on Earth.
- Harmony on earth has always been an interesting concept. From my perspective you have to renounce the world in order to get peace on earth. You can’t renounce the world if you are embroiled in it.
- Balance for me is a Divine quality and not an earthly thing. International Day of Peace
- Connection to the Divine brings calmness, confidence and clarity.
- Connection brings a process Apotheosis and with it comes an expanded self.
- We need laws to uphold the conduct that we do naturally when we are humans in the adult state.
- Autumn Equinox Sun goes into Libra the sign of balance.
- Chinese Proverb “When there is light in the soul”
- The trickle down affect- the little trickle of water at the top of a mountain becomes the raging river in a valley.
- Can any injustice be the origins of war and is it all cumulative?
- Conduct or Connection where do you want to put your efforts?
- Animal Nature; human nature; or Divine Nature?
- Tranquility not as the world knows it but My Peace the calmness which passes understanding. This contentment comes with the understanding there is only One Perfect Divine Life without opposite.