Reconcile Accounts
Title: Reconcile Accounts with the Divine
Make Divine Perfection the standard you live and measure against.
Reconcile Accounts is a radio talk show with the title Reconcile Accounts with the Divine.

Reconcile Accounts:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the idea of balancing accounts with the Divine Principle as opposed to mere human opinion. Listen as they explain how to use the testimony of the corporeal senses to determine conscious realization of Divine Truth. In this show they discuss some ways of taking the guess work out of attaining Spiritual identity. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and walk in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
- Learning to live life from the perspective of Divine Perfection and not the mental/material mortal sense of things. Gilbert Carpenter wrote in 500 Watching Points: “Is it not error to cherish the notion, that the ability to comprehend the deep things of God is a developed quality attained through study and application alone? True, such study and application are needed in order to know what it is that prevents students from expressing and voicing the Mind that was in Christ Jesus, a thing divinely and scientifically natural to the one whose thought is freed from the influence of mortal mind. The student’s higher task is to empty his thought so that the deep things of God may flow in.”
- When Spirit is cause creation is Perfect and when Spirit is unconscious the mental/material image is imperfect. How we think is what we become and even though the mental/material image isn’t “real” it is the check engine light on the dashboard of consciousness. Use the testimony of the five material senses to let you know what you are conscious of this is how to reconcile accounts.
- Soundbite from Herb Fitch Realization of Oneness Class 15B
“Resting in the Christ everywhere is resting in Oneness for the Christ is one with the Father. Now isn’t that past just knowing Truth? You see it’s the habits that you set up, the instant reflex of the senses throws all this out the window. And so, you have to re-adjust those reflexes. You have to consciously not make contact with your environment through senses but consciously make contact with the invisible environment through the Christ. You don’t do that accidentally. You do that through concentrated desire to love God supremely, to be your Self, to take all of this great world message that has been set into the consciousness of man by the Christ and to fall prostrate before it, to throw yourself at its feet and say, “Thank you for giving me the key to the Kingdom, to unlock the prison of the mind.” And you turn from that mind and you live. (37:47)
Evil can only persecute your false sense of self. Every error that attacks you is attacking only your false sense of self. Error never attacks the Reality of you. It never attacks who you are. It attacks who you are not. Give it some thought. Every time you feel harassed, try to remember that evil is attacking that which you are not. Nothing attacks Christ. It can’t even find Christ. Shuffle off the false sense and watch the evil go with it.
I don’t know if we can continue. I’d like to but let’s see what we have here.
Well, we’ll sum it up this way from Joel. “From morning to night, your stand must be, there is one power and I,” says Joel, “do not say this lightly. I’m aware of all the appearances there are in the world and the claims of power that exist. But if you’re going to live the spiritual life, you must come to the point where Adam and Eve were before they had eaten of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.”
You must come to the point where you don’t believe there’s good matter and bad matter. As long as you’ve got good matter but no bad matter, you’re not very far along.
“When you know that there are not two powers, a spiritual power and a material power, that’s the point. There is no material power in the consciousness of Spirit that is demonstrated, then you’re back in the Garden of Eden.” - To invite Divine Mind into consciousness we must create a hospitable environment, like attracts like. The language of Spirit is Silence and the activity of Spirit is Stillness; so we, stop thinking and point the field of awareness to the invisible intangible Divine Omnipresence and wait on the Lord. Rest in the Knowledge of the Perfection of Being. Watch, wait, listen, and let Divine Truth reveal Itself to you. In the Light of the Divine Principle only Truth exists; It dissolves the false sense of life leaving only the Omnipresence of One Perfect Divine Life.
- Attuning the mind/body complex to the Divine Idea by employing strategies; we call this educating thought up to Spiritual apprehension. John 4:23 “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”