Root Suffering
Title: Desire is the Root of Suffering
Personal desire short circuits the Divine Principle of One Power and ushers in karmic law.
Root Suffering is a radio talk show with the title Desire is the Root of Suffering.

Root Suffering:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Divine Truth as eternal Life void of suffering, sickness, lack, limitation, conflict, war and death. Listen as they explore the paradox found in Spiritual study leading to the elimination of false sense of existence. In this show they will look at the fundamentals of Buddhism and Christianity as valid systems for attaining freedom from the illusion, by Knowing the Truth. All human problems are a signal to alert the violation of Spiritual Law– Life is Perfect. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and desire what can never suffer.
- On first inspection most who understand the statement of the title strive to eliminate desire. In doing so one must eliminate self and no self is dead. Also, physics tells us matter can’t be created nor destroyed only changed. This becomes part of the paradox; if I have no self I don’t suffer (no expectation no disappointment) but I am not living (in the true sense of the word). Buddhism as taught from the four noble truths gives humanity some valuable clues to suffering. 1.suffering 2. it’s cause 3. it’s cessation 4. the way that leads to this cessation. On a very simplistic level there are only two times we suffer. One when we don’t get what we want and Two when we get what we don’t want. Making the origins of suffering personal desire. In her book S&H 1:10-14″Thoughts unspoken are not unknown to the divine Mind. Desire is prayer; and no loss can occur from trusting God with our desires, that they may be moulded and exalted before they take form in words and in deeds.” We can’t get rid of desire but we can desire communion with the Divine. For Mary Baker Eddy desire is prayer because for her prayer is communion with the Divine. As we advance in understanding, awareness is loosed from personal sense and provided it is instructed by Science; it rises into impersonal Spiritual. In this desire for communion with the One Life we are enabling the Divine Self to take over the Scientific government of the body and in this transformation there is One Perfect Eternal Life void of all the undesirable conditions. Not a personal sense of self and not no self but One Self which is held controlled and governed by the Divine Law of Eternal Life.
- Suffering is the wrath of God, which is the Love of God not letting anyone accept the false sense of life. It is the ouch effect; nothing gets you off the couch faster than sitting on a tack. Sickness, suffering, pain etc. force humanity to turn from the pleasures of sin.
- The potency of any endeavor lies in obedience to Principle and understanding the difference between losing oneself in mortal sense and finding One Self in Divine Principle.
- More Mrs. Eddy, S&H 12:21-24 “Petitions bring to mortals only the results of mortals’ own faith. We know that a desire for holiness is requisite in order to gain holiness; but if we desire holiness above all else, we shall sacrifice everything for it.”
- Suffering is a signal; you are in the wrong self. No self or many selves will bring suffering or finite good. One Self everywhere always brings the Divine Idea which is absolute Good without opposite. Yet in Truth there is only One Perfect Divine Self.
- Each and every one of us is Divine Self. Divine Self is Perfect and Whole has no needs or wants. Yet the physical body isn’t the Divine Self but right where the body seems to be only Divine Self is. For you to experience the Divine Self the mortal sense of self must be mastered and walked through the open door of Revelation. For Christ to come to Lazarus, Lazarus must be buried in the Silence and Stillness of Divine Truth. For Lazarus to come out of the tomb, Christ must come to him and call him out.
- Christ is the Messiah; the saving aspect of Truth. Christ is the interface which makes the Divine Creation comprehensive to human consciousness. Christ is experienced as the activation of Spiritual Sense.
- Like attracts like. When we draw from duality (fear and limitation) matter and mind; this is what we become. Double minded. When we draw from Spirit or One (Truth and Wholeness) Spirit; this is what we become. Matthew 6:19-24.
- The instruction Mary Baker Eddy gives in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures on Page 115 with the Scientific translation of mortal mind because it dovetails with the stages in human development used in the Kriya Yoga we teach. By starting with a belief in the Divine Principle as the only Reality and It is Perfect. Then, begin to work with awareness of Truth in consciousness by monitoring how it is externalizing.
- So, provided you are being conscious of the Divine Creation; with the one outcome of the Perfect Principle as the activity of the One Being must as, Mary Baker Eddy proved, resolve things into thoughts and exchange the objects of sense for the Divine Idea which then appears to mortal sense as a miracle. I don’t think there is anything better to offer a suffering human.