Streaming Ideas
Title: Streaming the Divine Idea
What it looks like when the human sense of consciousness is replaced by Divine Consciousness.
Streaming Ideas is a radio talk show with the title Streaming the Divine Idea.

Streaming Ideas:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about ceaseless Prayer where human awareness gives way to the Divine Truth and reveals the Kingdom of Heaven at hand. In this show they will discuss some of the factors in receiving Spiritual Revelation and how to troubleshoot false mental concepts. Listen as they explore the teaching of Mary Baker Eddy by the application of inspiration and demonstration. To channel Spirit one must know themselves in the way they are known by the creator. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and reflect the Divine image and likeness.
- Bernard Shaw wrote, “those who can do and those who can’t teach” which is an off spin of Aristotle’s saying, “those who can do and those who understand teach” and we did the show on Teach to Heal and Heal to Teach. These are ways of addressing the issues surrounding the letter of Truth and the Spirit of Truth. But today in this show, we are going to focus on the Spirit of Truth which comes by receiving Revelation. We will focus on reasons why we are not demonstrating Divine Law with Scientific certainty.
- As we being to understand the term Prayer as instructed by Mary Baker Eddy and the term meditation in Kriya Yoga we know there is a shift in consciousness which must accompany the experience. Life in matter must be given up for Life in Spirit or as Jesus said, born again of Spirit. So, let’s look at some of the things which must be in place to do this successfully. We must Know the difference between matter, mind, and Spirit. The biggest obstacle in Kriya Yoga is Avidya which is mistaking the impermanent for the permanent; the false for the Real or ignorance. The human for the Divine or what Mary Baker Eddy called the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Human good, false harmony, “looks like a lamb, speaks like a dragon” but how do we Know what we are calling the Divine Idea has the ring of the true metal? By the fruits. We practice inspiration and demonstration by streaming ideas.
- Knowing the difference between duality and Reality or matter and mortal mind from Absolute Spirit. Consciousness is experience and in this model we use the experience to determine the level of conscious awareness. The physics of Spirituality is like attracts like and we can’t deliver Truth and Wholeness while drawing from fear, pride, and limitation. The outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One when Divine Truth is the only consciousness.
- Gilbert Carpenter soundbite Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Footsteps chapter 17: talking points 1.”In truth, no one can give another the true bread from heaven, since only that which is the fruit of one’s individual demonstration is true bread from heaven, that which flows directly from God to man.” 2. “It is one thing to drink of the living water furnished by one spiritually endowed, and another to gain for one’s self the understanding of how to gain that living water. Yet, no one is a true Christian Scientist until he makes this demonstration. No one can call himself Mrs. Eddy’s true follower, merely because he or she appreciates and partakes of the living water she has furnished. “Go, and do thou likewise,” is the demand of infinite Love. Each pilgrim must go to the Father, in order to do those greater works to which Jesus referred.” 3. “One of the most vital things that the Children of Israel should have been told was, that simply following Moses did not make them the promised children.” 4. “the Master knew, that whatever comes from God can feed another, even if the latter might be the most spiritually endowed mortal on earth.”