Spiritual Night
Title: No Spiritual Night Shift.
Now it is day we must do the work of the One sending us.
Spiritual Night is a radio talk show with the title No Spiritual Night Shift.

Spiritual Night:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about John 9:4&5 “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” Spiritually when one is in material form is considered day when individual salvation can be worked out; night is when there is no form and no one can work. Listen as they explain the importance of the physical body in the unfoldment of consciousness. In this show they will explore the choice given everyone to either slay the self or pierce the Christ. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and do the work of the One sending you.
- Spiritually speaking the physical body is like a pass card which enables an individual to upgrade to Spiritual identity. The physical form is a diagram of the consciousness of an individual. Consciousness is experience and without the external picture there is no way of Knowing what you are conscious of. In this model we use the physical body as the check engine light on the dashboard of consciousness. In a similar way Mary Baker Eddy taught Martha Wilcox to be faithful and orderly with the objects of sense in order to be receptive to the deeper things of the Divine Principle.
- To mortal sense it may seem we have a choice; we can slay the false sense of self or pierce the Christ; which may lend mortal reason to the concept of suicide. The old saying, God will never give more than you can handle goes out the window when it comes to suicide. Until consciousness is resurrected into Spiritual Law the law of karma runs the show. What we put out is what we get back; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time, an eye for an eye etc. and if this sounds like your life– it may be time to “Repent.”
- If you are still in a physical form then “it is day” and still time to do the work of the One sending you. Let’s look at the Lord’s Prayer where it says, “Thy Will be done, in earth as it is in heaven” and how many of us think God punishes sin? To begin to understand Life as it really is we must Know God aright. God and God’s creation is absolute goodness and Perfection; held, controlled, and governed by the Divine Law of Life. Sin in the true sense of the word means you are in the wrong self– sleeping in your senses; hypnotized by the world mind. Living in a mortal sense of existence which is held, controlled, and governed by a belief in two powers called the law of karma or the lord god in the bible.
- According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead W.Y. Evans-Wentz translation; immediately following transition the soul has the opportunity to turn to the bright Light but once the light dims it is “Night” when no one can work. Still stuck in the cycle of death and rebirth waiting on the law of karma to produce another form so it will be “Day”. Most western humans don’t have a clue to the value of the physical body as a vehicle to transcendence. Immortality isn’t on the radar and the biggest misconception is we get it when we die.
- Something from Joel Goldsmith, “By understanding ourselves as truth and as light, we shall gain an entirely new idea of Self. Then, instead of being concerned with the appearance, we shall turn away from it and gain the spiritual idea that is the light of the world. We cannot reform, heal, or change whatever the human mind thinks of itself. Do not attempt to improve the old concept of self. Rather, gain the new idea that Jesus gave us two thousand years ago: ‘I am the way; I am the truth; I am the life.’ How can you destroy any of that?” ~Joel S Goldsmith in Consciousness Unfolding, chapter 12.