Self Service
Title: Serving the One True Self
To serve the Divine Self one must be conscious of the Omnipresence of the Divine Principle.
Self Service is a radio talk show with the title Serving the One True Self.

Self Service:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about what the True Self is and what it looks like when one is serving Divine Truth. Listen as they explain what is meant by the term selfless service because it doesn’t mean no self but One Self. In this show they will discuss some of the reasons why orthodox religion and humanity in general can’t demonstrate the promises found in Holy Scripture. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and let It express Itself.
- You can’t divide by 0 and you can’t be conscious of the One Divine Self as a personal sense of self nor no personal sense of self. Only Christ knows the Divine Will and if scripture is right God is all; so who are you? Who am I?
- To serve Divine Truth one must be conscious of It and then find a way to let it out. Me doing what “I” think God would like me to do; isn’t serving God. God doing what God wants to do through me as me is serving the Lord. God lives and moves in Oneness– everywhere always. For me to be a channel of this Oneness I must be One and in One there isn’t two. Only One Perfect Divine Life looking at Itself, as Itself, of Itself, and to Itself and beside I there is no other.
- Soundbite from Herb Fitch RO 18B We have two and I want to reverse the order of the delivery and start with the statements presented at about 25 minutes into the class and then follow it with the statements presented at about 17 minutes of the class to substantiate the points being addressed in this radio show on serving the One True Self.
- So how do we become One. We don’t become One. One is all there is in Truth. We come out of the belief in the many. We master the false sense of self and walk reason through the open door of Revelation. As Jesus told us, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.” He later says, “I am the door of the sheep.” To become One we begin to know ourself in the way we are known by the creator by asking the question– If God is All who am I? Only God is and anything that does not have this Divine quality isn’t “real.” It is a dream, a hypnotic state, an illusion, a belief, a thief or robber. Only One Eternal, Perfect, Infinite, Changeless, Self. “Awake thou that sleepest!”
- Soundbite from Herb Fitch RO 18B We have two and I want to reverse the order of the delivery and start with the statements presented at about 25 minutes into the class and then follow it with the statements presented at about 17 minutes of the class to substantiate the points being addressed in this radio show on serving the One True Self.
- The terms to “read, hear, and keep” in this talk are service, worship, revelation, demonstration, and glorification. Learning to understand the true meaning of these words as experience versus conversation. Spirit testifies with deeds not words. To the realized individual, actions speak louder than word– until we are that place where only the Spirit of Life expresses Its Perfection we are living in the false sense of life.