Real Living
Title: Discover the Principle of Spiritual Living.
Spirit is a demonstrable Principle, a Law. However, we must be conscious of It to activate It in experience.
Real Living is a radio talk show with the title Discover the Principle of Spiritual Living.

Real Living:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about learning to demonstrate Spiritual Law with Scientific certainty by understanding the operations of the Divine Principle. Listen as they discuss the rule of One Power as the only self-existent power in the universe making it the sole Reality. In this show they explore the difference between mental/material energy driven by belief and the Divine Principle of One Eternal Life everywhere always. John 1:3 “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live in the Kingdom of the Divine.
- I was inspired by a writing from Joel Goldsmith to select this title.
- What is the Divine Principle? Acknowledgement of the Omnipresent Divine creation which is Perfect, Whole, Eternal, Changeless and Absolute Goodness. It is everywhere always and is available to those with “eyes” to see. A good question to ask is why are we not seeing what is everywhere always? Because we live in sin, we see what isn’t here and are blind to what is here. What we are calling life isn’t Life at all. Life is hid with Christ in God so for us to see Life we need to find Christ. Colossians 3:3 “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” It is not until Christ is given up as something to follow and reappears as the Life of one’s own Self will we begin to Know the Truth– Life is Perfect.
- The physics of Spirituality, like attracts like; draw from fear and limitation and become fear and limitation but draw from Truth and Wholeness and become Truth and Wholeness. Sow to the flesh is death but sow to the Spirit is eternal Life. None of this is magic but it is physics. It comes down to what do I desire? Desire particles and waves and you will die but desire the invisible intangible Omnipresence of the Divine Principle and you Live forever.
- Not my will but Thy Will be done. Know the Divine Will is Perfect and the Divine activity is Stillness, so, don’t try but rest in the Knowledge. Trying, striving, struggling, seeking, and asking is mortal sense and not Divine Truth.
- Seeing is Believing, wow! Seeing is a hypnotic state and must be put off this is what is meant by putting off the old man– the belief in a mortal sense of life.
- Let go and let God. Deny the false and affirm the True.
- Mary Baker Eddy Unity of Good 17:3-12 “Emerson says, “Hitch your wagon to a star.” I say, Be allied to the deific power, and all that is good will aid your journey, as the stars in their courses fought against Sisera. (Judges v. 20.) Hourly, in Christian Science, man thus weds himself with God, or rather he ratifies a union predestined from all eternity; but evil ties its wagon-load of offal to the divine chariots, — or seeks so to do, — that its vileness may be christened purity, and its darkness get consolation from borrowed scintillations.” Learning to use the astral body as the more reliable base of identity when still relying on the testimony of the corporeal senses. The personal planets and the 12 signs of the Zodiac are a better representation for the Body than the one on the ground because it is closer to Changeless. Cleanliness dissolves the illusion of change.” For real living.