Pure Spiritualization
Title: Pure Spiritualization Reveals False Beliefs
Listen as we explore the process of apotheosis in which the human is given up for the Divine.
Pure Spiritualization is a radio talk show with the title Pure Spiritualization Reveals False Beliefs.

Pure Spiritualization
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about shifting consciousness from the level of belief to that of faith then graduating to understanding. Listen as they explore the process of apotheosis in which the human is given up for the Divine. In this show they will look at processes such as Christian Science prayer and Kriya Yoga meditation to provide guidance into true Spiritual awareness. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and exchange the false with the Real.
- This week’s title is inspired by the work of Bicknell Young Addresses 1937, From the section Cancer—Tumor—Growth, “Incurable beliefs—“so-called.” Always bear in mind that these are only names; not names of diseases, but names of beliefs.
Moreover, the claim cannot be designated by name, because the fear is deeper in human consciousness than the name of the disease. Therefore, metaphysical healing is the only thing that holds any hope, since it gets at the claim fundamentally by getting rid of the beliefs which constitute it.
In handling these claims, it is not necessary to probe the consciousness of the patient; that is an improper thing to do. It is, rather, so clarifying his thought that pure spiritualization reveals and destroys the underlying belief.” We are beginning to understand the primary error is personal sense and fear is the defense mechanism for false sense thus the anacronym FEAR – false experienced as real. This personal sense aka personality or mortal mind. - Mary Baker Eddy suggests to ally the fear and by this we begin to understand what she means; because fear is the defense mechanism for the false sense of self. In essence Mrs. Eddy is saying put off the old man, life in matter must be given up for Life in Spirit. Pure Spiritualization is realization of the One Perfect Divine Life. Revelation of the Truth– Life is Eternal, Perfect, and Changeless. You are in the wrong self.
- Finding the true Self or Knowing the Truth seems to be like locating the grail. This concealed deity which is everywhere always yet no one can find it. Mostly because we don’t think right we are looking with the mind which can’t bring forth the Divine Image yet we continue to look and believe what we find and hope it will change. What orthodox religion is built on a belief in God and a belief in mortal man and human goodness. Here we are told Pure Spiritualization reveals these false beliefs. How does it do that? False belief are driven by the belief in two powers and Spirit is the self-existent Power of One. As Mary Baker Eddy told humanity in Principle and Practice “mortal mind is belief and Divine Mind is understanding” It is for us to figure out the difference between thinking with the five corporeal senses and Knowing with the seven Spiritual centers.
- Prayer for Mary Baker Eddy is communion with the Divine and Meditation in Kriya Yoga is the seventh stage of an eight stage system and the fifth stage is sense withdrawal. Doesn’t Jesus tell us to pray go into the closet and shut the door? The term in Kriya Yoga is avidya or ignorance and the same idea is found in the bible called sin. Missing the mark or mistaking the unreal for the Real. So where do we begin? Building a mental landscape that supports the Divine Principle by eliminating the false beliefs, the human theories, concepts that embroil consciousness to mental/material world of make believe. Recognizing the difference between thinking and Knowing by learning how to think differently. Stop thinking with the five corporeal sense and start Knowing with the seven Spiritual centers. The seven chakras in Yoga and/or the seven Churches in Revelations.
- Grow up! Graduate from mortal physical form to a mortal astral/mental concept, to the immortal Self in Spiritual identity. Born again of Spirit, Life is the only certainty. We do this by lifting consciousness from the earth, from physical identity into a larger sense of self. The astral/mental “Body of Christ” the man, bull, lion, and eagle of Revelations. As Mary Baker Eddy said, “we can’t put an infinite Mind in a finite body,” and Christ says to rise. We build a mental image based on the seven personal planets, the seven chakras or churches, and the twelve signs of the Zodiac or tribes of Isreal. Thus shifting identity into the One body an infinite Body which receives the Infinite Mind and from this vantage point in consciousness we walk reason through the open door of Revelation.
- Learning to source Life from the invisible intangible Divine Omnipresence instead of the five corporeal senses is what is meant by sowing to the Spirit not the flesh. Starting with a belief in the Divine Creation which is invisible and intangible to the material senses waiting on the Lord. Waiting for the birth of Christ in consciousness or initiating the union of the individual with the Divine. Christ is taken away as something that can be followed, only to reappear and come to life again, as something to be embodied by man. It dies as something apart from man, and comes to life as his own true selfhood.