a poster for the radio show on Pranayama Explained
Prana is the Life Force

Pranayama Explained

Title: Kriya Yoga Pranayama Stage 4 Explained.
Prana is the Life Force and this practice is learning how to control the Life Force.

Kriya Yoga Pranayama Stage 4 Explained

Pranayama Explained is a radio show about the fourth stage of Kriya Yoga called Pranayama.

Stage 4 Pranyama
Prana follows Mind

Pranayama Explained

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the fourth stage of Kriya Yoga Pranayama. Control of Prana – Pranayama is the science of Prana (the life force) and its correlation to the thinking process. There is a direct relationship between life sustaining force number one “thought” and life sustaining force number two “breath.” Through the application of various breathing and thinking exercises, we develop the control of Prana, the life force. Listen as they explain, how we think is what we become. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness!
Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and initiate your progressive cycle.

1. K8 4 Pranayama Introduction (2:27) – 01:03:44 to 01:06:20
2. K8 4 Pranayama Control of Prana (8:20) – 01:06:30 to 01:14:51
3. K8 4 Centering and Thinking (2:56) – 01:15:02 to 01:17:59
4. K8 4 Uranus (4:06) – 01:18:09 to 01:22:16
5. K8 4 Schematic and Pranas (3:08) – 01:22:26 to 01:25:36
6. K8 4 Gunas (3:00) – 01:25:46 to 01:28:47
7. K8 4 Thought Phases (3:08) – 01:28:57 to 01:32:06
8. K8 4 Breathing Mechanics (2:18) – 01:32:16 to 01:34:36
9. K8 4 Treasure Breath (8:39) – 01:34:47 to 01:43:26
10. K8 4 Locks (2:41) – 01:43:37 to 01:46:18
11. K8 4 Alternate Breathing (2:49) – 01:46:29 to 01:49:18

Control of Prana: Thinking and Breathing are the two most important life sustaining forces that we employ to sustain our lives. They are the processes we are using the most and the ones we rely on with urgency– to support our existence. It would make sense that these functions have to be performed correctly to get the most out of the living experience; because when we have bad habits in them the ramifications produce the greatest obstacles to successful living.

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