Pisces Moon
Title: September Full Moon in Pisces.
Happy Full Moon what the New Moon promises the Full Moon delivers.
Pisces Moon is a radio talk show with the title September Full Moon in Pisces.

Pisces Moon
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the full Moon on September 20, 2021 at 7:55 PM EDT; as a call to step out of time into Eternity. Listen as they discuss the Moon separating conjunction with Neptune and applying opposition to Mars as a lead in, to think differently. In this show they will explore the mutable signs, three modes of mortal thinking, and Divine Mind symbolize by the two fishes. The Moon in Pisces represents the endocrine system and the Sun in Virgo states I am clean; true cleanliness stems from knowing I am Spirit, only pure Spirit. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and know I am Spirit.
- Looking at the Chart for Hampton NH we have Taurus rising with Venus in Scorpio in the 7th House. Venus is in an applying opposition to the 1st house retrograde Uranus in Taurus and it is in a separating square to 10th house retrograde Saturn in Aquarius. Here we have a personal planet Venus the ruler of the Chart in Scorpio (sign of Detriment) in the 7th house (Domal Dignity) facing off with Uranus a transpersonal planet in Taurus and the 1st house and both are in a square to 10th house retrograde Saturn in Aquarius which is Domal Dignity and Rulership. Saturn is thought to be the task master in astrology and it is the last of the personal planets it represents with the Moon the principle of manifestation the concept of separation how we put things into form and protect them. In this model it represents the defense mechanism for the false sense of existence. Belief runs the false sense and fear perpetuates it.
- Moon opposition Sun this is a faceoff between Spirit the Sun and the Moon matter the exchange takes place in the 12th house Moon in Pisces wide separating conjunction with Neptune in Pisces (rulership) opposite Mars and 6th house Sun in Virgo conjunct Mars in Libra (detriment) opposite Neptune. To help us understand the ongoing battle between Spirit and matter #3
- Mythology though a symbolic language it has also been called a fake or false story. It is telling the material side of a Spiritual landscape. I like what Mark Sappenfield said in a talk about Christian Science.
“This is one of the signs of the times that Christian Scientists must be alert to. The mental tides of political polarization would seek to draw us in – to get us to take up our bow and head out into the fight as well-meaning Horsemen. Politics today gives us a strong taste of how well that approach works. We don’t need to fear it. Polarization – the division of one into two – is an old trick. It’s the oldest trick, actually. Adam was the lie that God needed to divide himself to express himself – that the indissoluble nature of Spirit wasn’t good enough, that something else called “matter” had to exist. So we got the first polarization: matter and spirit. Then Adam himself wasn’t enough, so we got our second polarization: man and woman. Then all the trees in Eden weren’t good enough, so Adam and Eve chose the third polarization: the knowledge of good and evil. Mortal mind always needs two. It needs something to be against another thing. If there is only one, mortal mind has no claim to exist, since only Spirit can be one. So polarization is inherent to the lie of matter and always has been.
In this way, we impersonalize politics. The problem is not any policy, really. It is the primal claim of division. These days, we hear a lot about “fake news.” Well, let me tell you something, folks. All matter-based news is fake. There is no such thing as journalistic truth or political truth or scientific truth. There is only Truth with a capital “T.” Like Emma Thompson, like Jesus, we keep about our Father’s business, and resist the temptation ever to depart from divine Truth. Then mental polarization has no foothold or foundation. Divine government is revealed.”