Pisces 2019
Title: Twelve Signs of Spiritual Truth – Part Twelve
The knowledge that the Life of God is you is the invitation to the Spirit.
Pisces 2019 is the twelfth of a series of radio talk shows which focus on the twelve signs of the Zodiac as a map to discover Spiritual Truth.

Pisces 2019
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda have dedicated twelve shows to discussing the twelve signs of the Zodiac as a map leading to Spiritual understanding. Each week focuses on the respective sign as an archetype used in the process of an individual becoming Divine. Listen this week as they explain the function of Pisces as the revelation of the One Divine Mind. These shows will explore why Divine Law cannot function in your experience if you are not conscious of Its Presence. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and experience the Peace that passes understanding.
- Pisces mutable water and the key phrase is “I believe.” The knowledge that the Life of God is you is the invitation to the Spirit.
- “we must know the lie before we can know the Truth” Herb Fitch Revelation of St. John chapter 17-2.
- Pisces is called the house of undoing or Spiritual knowing; Spirit being the dissolving force in the universe translating everything back into Itself. Divine Mind is the one Principle of this universe and in Pisces we learn to think with God, as God. Told by Mary Baker Eddy in “The Body”
- Breaking the circuit of the three modes of mortal thought we can now come out of the imitation false sense of identity and get our inspiration directly from the Divine Mind.
- Pisces – Labor: The Capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon: the jewel of immortality is won; he has overcome the human and put on the Divine.
a. Constellations of Pisces: 1. The Band joining the two fish. 2. Andromeda (the chained women; matter harnessed). 3. Cepheus (the king; Spirit or Father aspect). - What is meant by matter harnessed? To break the hypnotism of the belief in “something” other than the All-ness of God or Spirit. As Herb Fitch says, “before we can know the Truth, we must know the lie.” Revelation of St. John; class 20