Handle Truth
Title: You Can’t Handle the Truth.
Divine Truth in consciousness dissolves the false sense of life by revealing the Omnipresent immortal Self.
Handle Truth is a radio talk show with the title You Can’t Handle the Truth.

Handle Truth:
Join Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda as they delve into the iconic line from Jack Nicholson’s movie A Few Good Men, “you can’t handle the truth.” In this episode, they explore the significance of Principle in human development. Tune in as they weave together the seven words for God with the seven churches or Chakras in Kriya Yoga. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga, where we explore consciousness! Participate in the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to illuminate your Soul and embrace Life with Principle.
- I am inspired to do this show by the work of Gilbert Carpenter in A Course in Divinity. To set the table we have a soundbite from the forward and I will play it. White light passes through a prism and breaks off into seven colors in the same way Divine Idea passes through the mortal mind and breaks off into seven thoughts. Here we gather the pieces and reverse engineer the process by thinking differently– repent, turn, pray, or meditate; call it what you want but there must be a shift in awareness from thinking to Knowing.
- There is no power in the present moment. Power is found in Divine Mind and it is everywhere always not just here and now. The past and future are wonderful ways to capture this Spiritual fact which is timeless. To become conscious of the Divine Self can be stimulated by a distant memory of joy when it is understood as the only reality everywhere always. It is far better to dwell in the peace, love, joy, goodness, kindness, patience, temperance of a distant memory than to wallow in a present resentment. The key is to come out of the mind that can’t bring forth the Divine image and not just deny the mental/material false appearance.
- Graduating to the Divine Mind means understanding that everything is happening at once past, present and future to mortal mind but everywhere always to the Eternal Self. The Divine creation is purely Spiritual without beginning or end it is found before thought and above corporeal sense, for those who have “made thine eye single.”
- Attuning mortal sense to the Immortal Self is a technique we use to help with the transition from sense to Soul. Tell the truth about the lie and tell the Truth about the Truth. When working with personal sense and human will we are in the lie we call this the mental/material illusion which we are being faithful and orderly with. Using human will and intelligence we aspire to meet our highest understanding of “right.” Once the table is set we rise out of the false sense and rest in the invisible intangible Divine Self were we stop thinking and watch, wait, listen, and let the Divine Principle express Itself.
- Divine Self resides before thought and above corporeal sense. There is a two part authentication where the individual is conscious of the Divine Omnipresence and the Divine Self acknowledges the individual as Itself- I am everywhere always. This is the state of Oneness as Jesus told us I and the Father are One. This is not a loss of personal sense but a more inclusive state of awareness where we see what isn’t there the many in the context of what is there the One. Principle and Idea comes with the turning from the mortal mind and seeing from Divine Mind; what Mary Baker Eddy called “thinking with God, as God.”