Forgive Those
Title: Forgive Us as We Forgive Those.
To become a faithful witness of Divine Truth, stay with belief until understanding is achieved.
Forgive Those is a radio talk show titled Forgive Us as We Forgive Those.

Forgive Those:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the deeper meaning found in Scripture and how to get the most from this Wisdom. Listen as they explore the Lord’s Prayer from the perspective of Spiritual identity. In this show they will look at the benefits that come with the graduation to Spiritual Sense. Luke 23:34 “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and judge Righteously.
- Begin with the Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. - Becoming first “I” conscious and then, appearance aware. Luke 23:34 “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” It took me some time to get on the other side of this scripture. Jesus isn’t asking God to forgive his executers– he wants God to forgive all who believe there is or was a time on earth– without the Omnipresence of God. So if I am granting pardons to persons, places, and things, it is because I am not judging righteously because I am seeing that which is not created by God.
- To further iterate this position from RSJ Herb Fitch, class 23A “Now you know that God, being too pure to behold inequity, the Son of God is too pure to behold inequity, and you in declaring inequity present, are declaring you are not the Son of God. How strange that we would cut off our own Kingdom through ignorance. For the moment you see imperfection in this world, you are declaring that you see with eyes not like God sees, not like Christ sees, and you have just made a second life for yourself, and where are you? You are in a dream. There is no second life. The only life there is, is God. How can you see evil, how can you experience evil, except in a second life?
And now the Feast say, “come, sup with me.” If you want the Truth, here it is. But first, renounce the belief in a second life. Renounce the belief in even the possibility of error. Oh, you say, “I can’t do it, my child is really sick.” Fine. You can reincarnate and start all over again, the Father is perfectly willing for all those who are not ready to enter the Kingdom of God to take as much time at the moment as they wish. We are all given that opportunity to wallow in our mortality as long as we wish.
Let’s suppose I change my song: Father, my child appears to be sick, and my doctor says my child is sick, and my child’s temperature is high, and the poor little dear is pale and weak but, I’m sure that if You knew about this, something would be done and You’re not doing a thing. I’m therefore sure, You know nothing about this and I am therefore prepared to say, that whoever knows something about this is under the impression that they know more than God. They must be wrong. I can declare, truthfully, that every medical diagnosis ever made since the world began is a declaration of knowing more than God. And it must be wrong, for the simple reason that God is all, and God is Perfect. What is there then that is imperfect? – that consciousness which is disconnected from God, which does not know the Father aright. - To err is human; to forgive Divine. Human is for getting and Spirit is for giving. We are not talking about tolerating behavior or excusing wrongs; we are talking about judging righteously which means seeing only the Divine Truth, the Divine creation which is Perfect.
- Something from Joel Goldsmith, A Parenthesis in Eternity p. 280 “I live and move and have my being in Your consciousness. You are closer to me than breathing; You know my needs before I do. It is Your good pleasure to give me the kingdom, and I can rest and relax in You.
We must relax in His consciousness; we must relax in His Spirit, His wisdom, His judgment, and His will. A person who does that is developing a healing and redeeming consciousness because he is not seeking a God-power; he is not acknowledging a power that has to be overcome: he is living in God-power. That is going back to the fullness of mysticism in which we learn that evil has no existence at all except in the mind that believes in good and evil.
The healing consciousness comes only to those who arrive at a state of consciousness in which they can live consciously at-one with God, in full and complete confidence that God is infinite, needing no help from anyone. In this God-consciousness there is nothing for God to battle, nothing for God to overcome. The mystical life rests on the premise that in the presence of spiritual consciousness neither material nor mental power is power.
That is the healing consciousness, and in its presence human power of every kind dissolves. All spiritually illumined individuals are in agreement that they know nothing of the nature of any power with which to overcome sin, disease, lack, or inharmonious human relationships, but they also testify that in proportion to their attainment of an inner stillness, without any sense of needing a power, the discords evaporate.
The realization that God is the one infinite all-power and that neither material nor mental power is power is what constitutes spiritual consciousness. Spiritual consciousness is not something mysterious: it is not a consciousness of might, power, or human effort, but
the consciousness of My Spirit. Spiritual consciousness acknowledges that God alone is power; it is a consciousness that is not divided, a consciousness that sees with a single eye, and sees but one Power, one Presence, one Being, one Cause.
Spiritual consciousness is our individual consciousness when we no longer give power to physical force or mental force, but understand God as the only Force, and then live the command of Jesus Christ, “Resist not evil.” - More on forgiveness: Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
An invitation to listen to Spiritual Life is Changeless Perfection