Divine Purpose
Title: Expressing the Divine Purpose.
The parables of blindness in the bible are there to explain– with the corporeal senses we see what isn’t there and are blind to what is there which is the Divine creation.
Divine Purpose is a radio talk show with the title Expressing the Divine Purpose.

Divine Purpose:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about an idea of the Divine Purpose as the universal reason for existence an archetypal theme for every human to be Whole. Listen as they discuss John 4:24 “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” In this show they will compare some of the effects of modern technology on the human experience which may be keeping humanity in a subhuman standard. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and worship in Spirit and Truth.
- Washing in the pool of Siloam which means sent. Jesus says, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam.” Jesus says my doctrine is not my own but He who “sent” me. The pool of Siloam isn’t the creek over there which the human sees with the mortal eyes and what seems to be what the blind man finds to wash the mud off his eyes. He washes in the upper waters of the Spiritual universe which is omnipresent.
- The concept of blindness in the bible is there to explain, with the corporeal senses we see what isn’t there and are blind to what is there which is the Divine creation. The Spiritual fact, the Word of God pouring forth, the Perfection of Being; however we say it the Divine Principle of the Spiritual universe is right here and now functioning. The pool of Siloam is the conscious awareness of the Divine Principle which washes away the false universal belief in mortality and its limiting human conditions.
- The purpose of life is to glorify the Creator. The collective consensus today sends the human out in search of “my” purpose because we believe this concept of God makes us to do his work. This misunderstanding of life keeps the human in the false belief of a life apart from the Divine creation and lost in the never ending search to find, how the unreal became real. We do this because we don’t live in the Divine Creation; we are the prodigal living outside the “Father’s” house with limited resources or the branch cut from the vine withering in time.
- Jesus came to fulfill the Law of Moses which he explained the Pharisees didn’t obey. John 4:24 “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” We talk about Spiritual identity without understanding the difference between the subhuman identity and human identity. It is very easy to mistake the false for the Real without understanding.
- So, if Life is purely Spiritual. What is it that seems to live and die? Letter to Calvin Frye from Mrs. Eddy she wrote of a man with a leg disease. “I knew that if he died he would awake to find he had not that disease and I wanted to wake him to it before he died.”
- From S&H 197:10-12 “God said of the tree of knowledge, which bears the fruit of sin, disease, and death, “In the day that thou eats thereof thou shalt surely die.”
- The less that is said of physical structure and laws, and the more that is thought and said about moral and spiritual law, the higher will be the standard of living and the farther mortals will be removed from imbecility or disease.”