Devotion 2019
Title: Bakti: Devotion as Selfless Service
Devotion 2019 is a radio talk show discussing Bakti Yoga the path of devotion in human development.
Devotion 2019 is a radio talk show discussing Bakti Yoga the path of devotion in human development.

Devotion 2019
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking Bakti Yoga and the path of Devotion as selfless service. Listen as they discuss the function of the causal/spiritual body as the expansion of identity beyond personal limits. In this show Apotheosis will be explained as the connection between Divine Mind and the real individual; to transcend self-conscious awareness. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and experience Spiritual Selfhood.
Devotion 2019 Notes:
- What we put out is what we get back; do unto others as you would do to yourself.
- Devotion to Spirit; changes who we are. Like attracts like, Spiritual identity begets Spiritual Law.
- What does it mean to be devoted to Spirit, to love God, or desire “Nothing”; to become the invisible and intangible, I Am.
- Let’s talk about fidelity to the Spirit; allegiance to the sustaining Infinite. This is Faith; belief in the Truth. The Truth being all life is the expression of an indestructible Principle.
- The exchange of energy between the individual and the source; to draw from duality is inward and is for “getting.” To draw from Spirit is outward and is for “giving.”
- Forgiveness in this context is the highest form of praise; to see all of Life in its beauty and wholeness is Devotion and Selfless Service in this format is an act of worship. Accepting only the Perfection of being as the Truth of all reality. Remember how we think is what we become; the observer sets the measurement for the collapse of the wave function. Change how we think and change the world.
- What is the union of the individual with the Divine? Apotheosis is the process of the individual becoming Divine; the shift in consciousness from material identity to Spiritual Selfhood. Divide and conquer then unite and stand; first we must separate identity from matter and mind which brings balanced self-conscious awareness– then rejoin it with Spirit.
- Path of action, knowledge, and devotion; work together as a coordinated game plan leading to Total Consciousness. Action, in Kriya Yoga, we enlist strategies to strengthen the personal will and psychological organs to enable the separation of identity from body bound awareness. Knowledge, we must educate ourselves to know the difference between the impermanent and the permanent, between duality and Spirit. Devotion, is attachment to the permanent. Spirit is what transforms the individual into the Divine. Like attracts Like; love Spirit and become Divine.
- Human dominion is attunement to Divine Law.