Title: New Moon Mardi Gras for Yogis Today.
Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul to start your personal development.
New Moon Mardi Gras for Yogis Today
Carnival means “farewell to flesh” so why do we indulge ourselves in celebration?

Carnival: Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the New Moon on 2/8/16 at 19 degrees Aquarius 16 minutes and the concept of Mardi Gras. They will discuss the origins of the word “Carnival” as a “farewell to flesh” and look into the deeper meaning of these traditions. Listen as they explain, how being “Spiritual” isn’t abstinence but indulgence. They will show how the real Yogi literally desires “nothing.” They will talk about the benefits of being addicted to “nothing” and how to use this New Moon to begin your conversion. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul to start your personal development.
1. New Moon is a new beginning.
2. The concept of Carnival as a farewell to flesh and a new beginning
3. Great time to make some changes
4. Very important to understand that being Spiritual isn’t abstaining
5. This is what we seem to do in the Religious world; because our religions don’t get it.
6. New moon squares Mars in Scorpio this can be a call to action and transformation.
7. New moon sextile Saturn good time to put things in form.
8. Pluto, Venus, and Mercury all in Capricorn and in the 10th house; use your mind to transform your values.
9. Mardi Gras is more like a time to indulge before you abstain. Binge and purge mentality that starts nowhere and goes nowhere. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance and get connected.
10. Swami talks about the fall from Eden in the bible.
11. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance and bit “farewell to flesh” the real meaning of the word carnival. Listen up and see how it really works.