Christ Birth
Title: Celebrating the Birth of Christ.
The outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One when Divine Truth is the only consciousness.
Christ Birth is a radio talk show with the title Celebrating the Birth of Christ.

Christ Birth:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the birth of Christ not as an isolated event happening 2000 years ago but as the awakening of Truth in individual consciousness. Listen as they explain the difference between Jesus and the Christ along with the “Virgin Birth” as union of Principle with idea without man. In this show they will discuss what Mary Baker Eddy means when she says “to think with God, as God” and thus see how the knowledge of Divine Truth corrects and takes care of what seems to be this world. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and accept only Spiritual heritage.
- Jesus was the manifestation of Christ and Christ is the saving Principle of Truth. Christ is what makes the Divine creation comprehensive to human consciousness. The messiah or the savior of the world is the Christ and make no mistake Christ is not limited to Jesus. The birth of Christ is the dawning of “Christ Consciousness” or the Mind of Christ in your consciousness; so we are not sitting around waiting for the reappearance of Jesus but turning our attention to the Divine Creation, now.
- To stay with the idea of educating thought up to Spiritual Apprehension we have:
Tuesday: Winter Solstice at 10a59; the longest night and shortest day. Moon opposition Pluto and opposition Venus; may bring conflict to transform personal interests. The Moon is Void of Course 09a44 to 04p54; productivity may slow down in the morning and may pick up in the afternoon.
Key Note: Sun opposes the Solar Eclipse of 6/21/20 at 0° Cancer 21′; Sun may trigger the theme of the Solar Eclipse look for clues in your everyday life. - The idea of a virgin birth and the birth of Christ are the same; all different ways of saying born again of the Spirit. The union of the individual with the Divine or “Kriya Yoga”– which is not just words in a book but a real experience. The union of soul with the Divine creation without “man” or personal sense. Kriyananda would say, “divide and conquer then unite and stand” there is preparatory work before the union with the Divine. Essentially we find the connection in the thought unity between Divine Mind and the “real” person or individual identity.
- The outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One when Divine Truth is the only Consciousness. Purify thought or educate thought up to Spiritual apprehension becomes preparatory work for the union of Soul to Spirit.
- We start out with a mind in union with the sense world; a divided consciousness that believes in two powers. For most, this is the mode of operation from cradle to the grave, a life unconscious to Christ; unaware of the Divine Truth, the Divine creation or the world of Spirit.
- The birth of Christ here is separated from the birth of Jesus which would be personal. So, we are talking about the birth of the saving Principle of the Divine creation which is begins as awareness of or belief in the Divine creation and if nurtured grows into faith, then eventually understanding.
- Here is an interesting point in the Bible: Romans 7:25 “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.” The way I break this down is by understanding the two worlds referred to 1. this world which is the world of sense– the human mind/body complex that serves the world mind and externalizes the false sense of life and 2. Thy Kingdom which is the world of Spirit that serves the One Perfect Divine creation. How does the mind free itself from its own creation? The answer is the Christ, the saving aspect of Truth.
- Instead of celebrating the birth of Jesus we are looking to induce the birth of Christ in our consciousness and this can be done individually – locally or collectively – globally but we want to acknowledge the Divine creation as the only Truth of Being. I like this 1 Corinthians 2:16 “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.”
- Who would choose the false sense of life, with sickness, suffering, disease and death mixed with sin, worldly profits, and a temporary sense of success in favor of Eternal health and everlasting happiness. Probably only those who have never seen or experienced the bliss, wonder, awe of Divine Truth; which would be those without the mind of Christ. Train the mind to serve Spirit – become aware of the invisible intangible Omnipresence until Spiritual light dawns on you. Your sleeping Spiritual senses awaken in the light of the Divine creation and not the material world of mental energy.