Title: Inducing the God Experience.
Spirit testifies with deeds not words, belief only brings the promise of God; here, we are talking the experience of God.
Experience is a radio talk show titled Inducing the God Experience.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about some of the benefits of understanding Divine Science and what we can do to invite Divine Mind into conscious experience. In this show they will be talking about scriptural instructions like “keep my commandments,” “ask in My name,” “Love one another.” Listen as they discuss how to incorporate these practices into everyday living that demonstrates the presence of Divine Law. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and experience Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence.
- What are some of the things we can do to invite Divine Creation into our experience. Vision quests, walkabouts, pilgrimages, fasting, asceticism, retreats, etc. seem to be human practices to induce the God experience.
- Today we do drugs and call it a rite of passage. Is this the God experience or just an altered state of consciousness. Are all altered states of consciousness the God experience or is there only One God experience and what does it look like when activated.
- What is experience? For most of us it is the testimony of our five senses because this is the method we usually live out from; sense level living and we use our corporeal senses to evaluate what is happening. The so called God experience is not on the sense level so we must do something called in the bible “repent” meaning think differently to induce the God experience.
- Denial of the five corporeal senses however doesn’t go far enough because S&H 552:19 Mary Baker Eddy “But thought, loosened from a material basis but not yet instructed by Science, may become wild with freedom and so be self-contradictory.” Use Truth to correct thought which will externalize as improved images is a major practice to induce the God experience.
- Herb Fitch in Living in the 4th Dimension 4B states talks about impersonalizing time, space, person and condition. What he means by impersonalize would be spiritualize or nothing-ize by tracing all back to cause or Spirit. Then he says, “”Now we are in the All-ness of Spirit, where God is all, and we are not denying that all-ness by interjecting another self, another being, another thing, another substance. There is one Life here, Spirit, God everywhere. And now I am in the state of a faithful witness. But I am that Life. I, too, am impersonalized. I am that Life which is called “God,” for there is only one. And this is the way out of cosmic television.”
- How does experience work? What we are perceiving on a human, corporeal sense level is mortal thought which is the world thought made visible and tangible then disguised as my thought. World thought is mortal thought or a divided consciousness of or about what is really is here which is Divine Creation. World thought originates from a belief in two powers a belief in something other than the One Divine Life. World view is a counterfeit or a shadow of the Truth; it is a reflection appearing but there is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in this reflection; in the same way there is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in the face appearing in the mirror before you. This reflection is on a larger scale but the same Principles are at work.
- Silence and Stillness induce the God experience when thought is instructed by Divine Mind and not hijacked by mortal thought or world mind.