Darkest Hour
Title: The Darkest Hour Precedes the Dawn
There is no place in the universe that is not here to the I of your Being.
Darkest Hour is a radio talk show with the title The Darkest Hour Precedes the Dawn.

Darkest Hour
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will continue to talk more about apotheosis and the stages of human development from material to Divine. Listen as they discuss some of the pitfalls associated with transformation. In this show they will be sharing examples of worldly challenges found in mistaking the impermanent for the permanent. Fear is the defense mechanism for the false sense of reality and Perfect Love casts out fear. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and experience the Truth of Being.
- Sometimes called the dark night of the soul; things appear to be getting worse before they turn around.
- How can there be push back from a false sense of existence? Who or what is reacting to the testimony of the five senses? Can it be simply my belief that makes what is appearing seem real?
- We can’t have light and dark at the same time; light dispels darkness. In the same way we can’t have false sense and Truth; fear and Perfect Love– person and Spirit.
- Let’s face it there must be a death of me before there is the birth of “I.” every miracle that appears is the appearance of the One I without a second. Learning how to surrender all personal sense; here is everywhere and now is all time; mind has the barrier that hinders the here and now of One Mind.
- When the evidence before the material senses yielded to spiritual sense, the apostle declared that nothing could alienate him from God, from the sweet sense and presence of Life and Truth. S&H 303:30 Mary Baker Eddy
- Every agony of mortal error helps error to destroy error, and so aids the apprehension of immortal Truth. This is the new birth going on hourly, by which men may entertain angels, the true ideas of God, the spiritual sense of being.S&H 548:13 Mary Baker Eddy