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DVD can be a learning tool. Learn the physics of Spirituality; like attracts like and two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time. Experience; Apotheosis, the process of the human becoming Divine. Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are a complete holistic health management system to initiate the process in human development. The process in human development called apotheosis has an evidence procedure; where the individual goes from unconscious awareness, to self-conscious awareness, to super conscious awareness. This process parallels the metamorphosis of a butterfly; caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly. Become the change you want to see.
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Online VideosKriya Yoga is Union with the Divine. “The eight essential stages of Yoga” are a complete holistic health management system that translate into a path of action, a path of knowledge, and a path of devotion. These lifestyle strategies are designed to initiate a process in physiological, psychological, and spiritual development that unfolds in three phases: pre-personal or unconscious awareness, personal or self-conscious awareness and transpersonal or super-conscious awareness. Total Consciousness is the goal of Yoga.” Kenneth Toy (Swami Jayananda)
Kriya Yoga Theory 1 is a comprehensive course that will help you get your arms around the science of Kriya Yoga. It provides a clear understanding of the goals and objectives behind Yoga– Union of the individual with the Divine; along with the physics of Spirituality. It includes the practices, supportive concepts of Kriya Yoga and the process in Human Development—Apotheosis (the process of the human becoming Divine); a complete guide in how to become a Human in the Adult State. Get the Light in your Soul! The course is perfect gift for anyone.