Thanksgiving 2018
Title: Thanksgiving 2018 Awaken as Divine Likeness
Thanksgiving 2018 at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio talk show discussing some functions of gratitude.
Thanksgiving 2018 Awaken as Divine Likeness
Thanksgiving 2018 is a radio talk show discussing some of the benefits of assuming an impersonal sense of Spiritual Selfhood.

Thanksgiving 2018
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the holiday of Thanksgiving on 11/22/18; they will discuss the importance of gratitude in the process of becoming Divine. Listen as they explain the role of “food” in human development and how to keep it in perspective. Like attracts like; and two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time. Prey on Prana and get the best return on your efforts– nothing delivers like the Life Force. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and awaken in Divine likeness.
Thanksgiving 2018 Notes:
1. I am learning the importance of gratitude to the Divine Principle and not “for things, situations, circumstances, people, or places.” Thankful for the All-ness of Spirit revealing itself as all that is good, beautiful and true.
2. There is a physical dimension, a mental dimension, and a Spiritual dimension and whichever we accept as the truth of our being will determine our outcome. The goal in Kriya Yoga is to accept the Spirit body as the sole reality and cause of your being. Start by being grateful for what can’t be seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelt.
3. The compass to measure your progress is beginning with the Spirit of Truth, the Truth of your Being is you are Spirt. Spirit is eternal, unchanging, complete, whole; thus Spirit has no wants or needs. Spirit only rests in perfect Divine unity.
4. When we are longing and feeling unfulfilled we have accepted an identity that is apart from Spirit.
5. Be happy not because everything is good but because you see the good in everything.
6. The divine Mind is Truth; human mind is error. It is contrary to Christian Science to attempt to mix Truth and error. Truth excludes error.
7. the marriage supper of the lamb– we feast only upon the Word of God. The Word became flesh. Give up the notion that we can become Divine with a human mind. Duality will never become Spirit. “Be willing now to move into a place where there are no thoughts at all, and no words to express thoughts. There is only this vast Silence of being. You’ll discover that that vast Silence of being, devoid of words and thoughts, though it may be uncomfortable at first, is where the Substance of life is re-establishing for you, the purpose of ‘God in the midst of you.’ This is where the Word is ‘being made flesh’ – above the words and above the thoughts. The action of the Holy Ghost is taking place there, unhampered by human thinking, unhampered by the world mind.” Herb Fitch