Memorial 2018
Title: Kriya Yoga Celebrates Memorial Day 2018.
Memorial 2018 at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio talk show with the title Kriya Yoga celebrates Memorial Day 2018.
Kriya Yoga Celebrates Memorial Day 2018
Memorial 2018 is a radio talk show with the title Kriya Yoga Celebrates Memorial Day 2018. Listen as we discuss alternatives to war.

Memorial 2018:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will once again, talk about Memorial Day by honoring those who have dedicated themselves to the greater whole. Join in as they continue to discuss topics like selfless service and universal order. Answer questions like– Why do we have war? Is it possible to have Peace on Earth and if so, how can we make it happen? They will show how Kriya Yoga can be used to resolve all inner conflicts that will serve as the origins of a new harmonious global condition.
Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness!
Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and experience selfless service.
Memorial 2018 Notes:
1. War is a belief in two powers a belief in good and evil.
2. Prayer is the most powerful solution to the belief in conflict.
3. Truth is the Law of Harmony and absolute Peace. Note: anything that doesn’t reflect the qualities of Harmony is not “real” and not backed by Divine Law.
4. Know the Truth and it will make us free.
5. Not a human talking about the concept of Truth. But an eternal Spiritual being living out from Divine Law.
6. The Truth is Man is God’s likeness; the human is Spirit and not matter.
7. The role of the Causal/Spiritual body is creation. How we think is what we become– to live out from Divine Mind is optimal.
8. Observation has effect on appearances. The observer sets the measurement and to get the best return; Divine Mind holds the template for perfect creation.
9. Awakening from the dream of Materialism.