Spring 2016
Title: Spring Equinox and Union with the Divine’
Equinox is when day and night are of equal duration, a time for balance.
Spring Equinox and Union with the Divine
Spring 2016 is the time of equal day and night. A balance point between light and darkness to help us understand duality. Spring is the time of new growth on the planet and a great time for new beginnings. Spring Equinox is when the Sun goes into the Zodiacal Sign of Aries. Aries is a cardinal fire sign and a great motivator.

Spring 2016: Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the Sun going into the Zodiacal Sign of Aries. The Spring Equinox is a time of equal day and night and the beginning of the growing season. They will explain some of the benefits of getting behind the creating forces of the fire sign of Aries. Remember Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac because Aries likes to be first. Starting at the beginning can eliminate a lot of back tracking and doing over. Listen in and get started; join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and become the person you are intended to be.
1. Full Moon Eclipse on 3/23/16
2. Spring Equinox 00:31 am 3/20/16 Equal day and night.
3. The Sun goes into Aries; cardinal fire. The element of physical endurance and mental intuition. Cardinal is the creating force of the universe. The beginning of the new season.
4. Spring is when life starts to come out of the ground. The ultimate new beginning.
Spring 2016:Lisa opens the show
Swami talks about planting and beginning
Initiate something with intention
Lisa reads 365 Tao
Swami agrees with Lisa relativity
Hold the middle to perpetuate
Lisa agrees quotes 365 Tao
Take part of nature
Swami agrees we are insolated from the natural
Physics can’t gain without loss
Lisa talks about Spring to start growing
Swami says how to grow spiritually
Get the Light in your soul
Lisa talks about excitement for Spring
Winter turn in and Spring break out
Swami days are shorter more internal
Keep the activity up for balance
Lisa agrees asks about Aries
Swami talks about fire
Cardinal sign creating force
Endurance and looking to Taurus
Aries aren’t best finishers
Lisa says Aries is first
Swami talks about projection
Identification and assimilation
Lisa talks about learning about integration
Lisa introduces the commercial
Lisa welcomes us back
Swami talks about intelligent plans
Aries ready fire aim!
Lisa talks about theory 2 sessions
Swami talks about Collective Purpose
Talent can be developed
We can become good
Lisa talks about the Olympics and sacrifices
Swami talks about mind sets fixed or growth
Learning is a process and transfer skills
Lisa says take time to create an interest
Swami talks about Taurus the sustaining force
Gemini is a dissolving force
Lisa talks about Theory 2 project application
Swami talks about the basics of Kriya Yoga
Lisa closes the show