Title: How Oneness Overcomes Loneliness.
Listen as we discuss the truth about the lie and the truth about the Truth.
Upcoming Show 3/24/25! How Oneness Overcomes Loneliness.
Loneliness is a radio talk show with the title How Oneness Overcomes Loneliness.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the Knowing of Truth which is the One Life to liberate the belief in many lives. Listen as they discuss noumena– how things are and phenomena– how things appear in the context of the nature of Spirit, the nature of thinking and the nature of matter. In this episode they will explain the upper waters of Spirit, the firmament, and the lower waters of sense. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and flourish in Oneness.
- One is the loneliest number you will ever do! The Three Dog Night song rings loud and clear in my memory. Yet the bible says “know the Truth and It will make you free.” What does it mean? What is the Truth. And what is Freedom? Have we strayed so far from the Truth we don’t even know what freedom means. My observations show we don’t understand what Scripture is saying and as the bible says, “you will die in your sins.” We seem to be OK with that and continue to accept the belief in the many and the folly of trying to figure out how the unreal became Real. In this show we will explain an tried and true system for experiencing the promises found in the bible for eternal Life and Happiness. Strong enough to walk a solitary path and sensitive enough to hear the call!
- Start with the Principle– Life is Perfect which means whole and complete then spins off into Spiritual. Spirit is Self-existent Life everywhere always and this is the only Reality. There is only One Life, One Spirit, One Truth, One Love, One Mind, One Soul, One Love this is God– Absolute Goodness. We either understand this or we think we are something else. I understand this by using the visual painted in Genesis 1 with the upper water being Spirit, the firmament being mortal mind, and the lower waters being corporeal sense or matter. Levels of consciousness and then I work with the statement consciousness is experience. This allows me to use the testimony of the corporeal senses to let me know what I am conscious of.
- I further break it down into noumena and phenomena “how things are and how they appear” Spirit and duality which then opens up into different appearances, the mental-material world of energy is the appearance and this is duality. Duality means nothing is whole but everything is in half– in order for something to appear at the corporeal sense level it must be in half which produces the contrast for perception of the mortal mind. It may take some processing but it is straight forward the mental-material world of energy isn’t real but a belief in two powers, opposite forces producing the ongoing struggle between good and evil. Keep in mind duality is a belief and Spirit is Self-existent power. To activate the Power of One we must give up the belief in the many and Know ourselves Spiritually which is One– as Jesus said, I and the Father are One. In oneness there isn’t two and as long as there is two you are out of the Father’s house or Divine consciousness under the law of karma.
- What is loneliness? Fear of being One. Fear is the defense mechanism for the false sense of self which is in half and in search of Wholeness. To simplify how Oneness overcomes loneliness we simply give up the belief in the false sense of being, a finite mortal self and abide in the Truth of One Perfect Divine Life. As Mary Baker Eddy suggests in healing start by allaying the fear and what she means by this is give up the belief in a mortal sense of life. The belief in death is the downfall of the human experience and as long as we cling to the false sense of life we remain blind to the Truth. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand but we must be conscious of it to experience It.
- Thinking about is not the same as being conscious of; we think with the five corporeal senses by forming thoughts and opinions based on the information found in the mortal mind. This is the thought loop we call life but it isn’t Life at all– it is a trap. As Paul tells us “Life is hid with Christ in God.” To Know this Truth we need the faculty which perceives the Divine Creation which is Spirit or Divine Mind. Divine Mind works in the absolute and mortal mind works in duality. Though duality is an appearance and seems to have its own laws it is never real. As light dispels darkness, Truth dispels error, Divine Law overcomes karmic law or material law. In the Light of Divine Truth there is no false belief in a temporary sense of existence. Fear not it is I; the Divine Self everywhere always Perfect, Whole, Complete and Changeless. Rest in the Knowledge of the Divine Self and it will take care of what seems to be a mortal sense of self.
- Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven or as CS Lewis said aim for heaven earth gets thrown in; aim for earth we get neither. We do this backwards and can’t figure why it isn’t working. We take care of what isn’t there in hope of getting what is here. By believing in the mental/material illusion we see what isn’t here and are blind to what is here– for only God is.