Perfect Power
Title: Spiritual Power is Absolute Perfection
Matthew 5:48 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
Perfect Power is a radio talk show with the title Spiritual Power is Absolute Perfection.

Perfect Power:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the realization of One Power experienced as Self-existent Life without beginning or end. Listen as they explain Spirit is a demonstrable Principle which testifies with deeds. In this show they will combine the instructions from the Bible with the teaching of the Isha Upanishad . Matthew 5:48 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and be Perfect as the One Immortal Self.
- What is Spiritual Power? It is the power of One without opposite, Spirit is self-existent Eternal Life, the changeless state of being, wholeness and Perfection. The word purna in Sanskrit translates to mean perfect which is whole, complete, fulfilled. To understand this helps when following the instruction of any scripture– when we understand the dimensions of what we are calling reality. The major message of the New Testament is the Christ not Jesus. Christ is the Messiah which is the saving aspect of the Truth; the interface which makes the Divine Creation comprehensive to human consciousness. Jesus came to fulfill the Law of Moses because the Jewish people didn’t understand the law of Moses and were missing the mark or sinning. Jesus is the manifestation of the Christ which is an eternal Principle everywhere always; making Jesus the mouthpiece for the Eternal Truth and even though Jesus is gone– the Christ never left. This means the second coming isn’t a return of Jesus but the birth of Christ in individual consciousness– it isn’t an outer event but an internal process leading to perfect power.
- Faithful and orderly with the objects of sense make us more receptive to Divine Perfection– like attracts like. Something from Gilbert Carpenter, MBE HSF c1 ” Exacting she was, if that word is interpreted to mean that she held for all her students the high goal that they do everything from the standpoint of demonstration, where demonstration means being guided by the Mind of God, rather than being under the control of human belief.” As we integrate the teaching of Christian Science into the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga we turn to chapter 11 of the same book; “her whole effort was to enlarge our concept of ourselves as impersonal givers. Hence, Mrs. Eddy’s attitude was not to belittle church attendance, but merely to dissect our attitude toward it. She understood the value of the organization, but she recognized that if organization passed spirituality in the race, and thus weighed more in the minds of the students, disaster would follow, since organization must always be subservient to inspiration and spirituality.
One of the early students has quoted Mrs. Eddy as saying, relative to organization, “Organization is a method of Mind and, of course, a necessity of creation. This is indicated by the perfection of the counterfeit. The form and structure of personality are the crowning work of material sense, and show the effort of error to rival the true and enduring. Idea bodies forth Principle in various manifestations. Because mortal sense bodies forth the highly organized personality, it is an indication that the best success in reaching thought will be along the line of organization. To reflect as perfectly as possible divine methods, Science chooses the best belief of mortal sense to indicate to mortals the perfection of the infinite idea. Of two seemingly necessary evils, always choose the less. Select the best beliefs and methods of mortal mind, and make them serve your highest understanding. The without should reflect the within.” - Kriya Yoga Asana practice of attunement to the Divine Idea begins with the highest understanding of right and when it comes to posture; perfection is experienced when bones and muscles are in synergy. When the bones support internally and the muscles relax and as one builds this relationship through perfect practice we are educating thought up to Spiritual apprehension every position has a sweet spot where the bones support and the muscles relax, however perfect posture may not bring Divine Truth in consciousness but Divine Truth in consciousness must bring perfect posture.
- The outer and the inner as One. My teacher would say, “anyone can stand on their head but it takes a well-developed individual to stand on their own two feet.” In this model we understand the value of internal support on all levels, physically the bones support and mentally to be receiving the grace of the Divine Idea. Not one or the other but both as we say, “Mountain Pose may not give you Truth in consciousness but Truth in consciousness must bring Mountain Pose.” Learning to work both in outer and the inner until the two become One. As I have been saying Kriya Yoga starts from the bottom and works up and Christian Science starts from the top and works down and the outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One when Divine Truth is the only consciousness. Perfect Power.
- Herb Fitch soundbite from RO 27B, (1) “You can make no differentiation. You cannot single out a group and exalt them. The Love of the invisible Christ must be as impartial as the shining of the sun, as the falling of the rain. That’s how it is. That is the law of Divinity. You either abide in it or you cut yourself off from it and then you’re back in karmic law.”
- Title: Spiritual Power is Absolute Perfection. Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and be Perfect as the One Immortal Self. (2) “Spiritual power is in the Christ mind which looks at the cripple, the blind man and the adulteress and refuses to accept that God was pushed aside so that these people could become that way. The Christ mind can stand firmly in the Presence without opposite and where that Presence is, Perfection always is. Where God is, Perfection is. God is everywhere. Perfection is everywhere. The Christ mind accepts that and therefore, honors God supremely.”