Believed Problems
Title: All Problems are a Belief in Separation.
Learn to trust the omnipresence of the Divine Principle and demonstrate this Truth.
Believed Problems is a radio talk show with the title All Problems are a Belief in Separation.

Believed Problems:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about developing trust in the Omnipresence of the Divine Principle which is absolute Perfect Eternal Life. Listen as they explain problems are a belief in something other than the One Life. In this show they will discuss the beatitude claiming the blessing for the poor of Spirit as a practical guide for effective living. “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:3). Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live in Oneness.
- In this show we will focus on learning to trust Divine Truth by initiating the process in development that leads from sense to Soul. Here we use the comprehensive clues to let us know the level of individual nature. Fear is the defense mechanism for the false sense of life– a mortal sense of temporary life in matter. The process of graduating from physical identity with vulnerability and needs, to astral/mental identity with vulnerability and needs to Spiritual identity which is invulnerable without needs– Perfect Whole and Complete.
- Soundbite Herb Fitch Realization of Oneness 21B played.
- What is meant by poor in Spirit is to understand any problem or imperfection, pain, lack, or limitation you witness is a sign to show the lack of Spiritual awareness. To sow to the flesh is death and to sow to the Spirit is eternal Life.
- How we think is what we become is the mantra and it is crucial to know the difference between thinking with the five corporeal senses and the seven Spiritual senses. Spirit only Knows Spirit which is Perfect and Whole. Anything less is an imitation a mortal sense of the Divine Truth.
- Herb Fitch gives a great lesson in RSJ class 5A when he explains the purpose of the physical body as the monitor for consciousness. how to use the testimony of the five senses as the check engine light on the dashboard of consciousness.
“If we were only spiritual form and had no image-bodies out here, we would never know the nature of our own consciousness.
And so now you have a different picture of yourself. You have the infinite Consciousness of the Father, perfect in all ways. You have your human consciousness and it forming a concept about your invisible spiritual body, which is in the Consciousness of God, which is your manifest spiritual form. This human consciousness, forming your concept about that manifest invisible spiritual form, out-pictures an image called your physical body.
Ultimately you see, as the physical body, through its problems, forces you to make a change in your concept, each time your invisible body, your spiritual body, coming through your human consciousness is reproduced inadequately in the image form, you have to make the adjustment. And ultimately, your human consciousness will be Oned, reaching into the infinite Consciousness and as it is Oned, the infinite Consciousness and your individual consciousness become the One Divine Consciousness individualized, which then out-pictures this form, this image-body, in a greater degree of harmony.”