Miracles Reveal
Title: Miracles Reveal the Divine Truth.
Problems, sickness, suffering, disease, war, etc. are products of a mental/material belief in two powers.
Miracles Reveal is a radio talk show titled Miracles Reveal the Divine Truth.

Miracles Reveal:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about miracles as the true reality which is held, controlled, and governed by the Divine Law of Perfection. Listen as they explain the dynamics of Spiritual healing as the new normal. In this show they will explore the pragmatic application of the biblical term repentance not as a plea for forgiveness but to Know the Truth. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul reveal the Miracle of Life.
- How we think is what we become has been our mantra for 34 years and the statement can be seen from many different levels of consciousness and degrees for awareness. Beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder. Developing the capacity to perceive the Divine creation and not stop at the mental/material counterfeit image. Opening up life beyond the limitations of sense perception.
- We can believe in miracles or not but to demonstrate Divine Law with Scientific certainty one must understand the operations of the Divine Principle and application of It. Jesus came to fulfil the Law and the Pharisees didn’t know the Law. We must know the Law and to Know this Divine Law we must be able to differentiate the Spiritual from the material.
- Let’s get started with something from Gilbert Carpenter, Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts, “If, as Christian Science teaches, man is in the kingdom of heaven now, what good does a knowledge of that fact do him, unless he has senses that will bear testimony to it? In order to have that fact of any advantage to him, he must be able to cognize the wonders of spiritual harmony. Man is assured again and again in Science and Health that his true senses are spiritual. Hence, he must possess such senses as will bear testimony to his presence in heaven now. But through disuse, these senses have become atrophied, and it is man’s task to resurrect them and bring them back to full activity, as he blots out the opposite false material senses.”
- Herb Fitch RSJ class 5A gives us more insight to set the table for the serving of the Divine Truth. “You see, every impurity in the human consciousness has to externalize in an impurity in human conditions. The Spirit is revealing that man has walked by and has done two other blunders besides the one. In addition to accepting a place where God’s power did not exist, and accepting a second power which could crucify, man has then turned around and in his ignorance of the fact that there is no death possible in the presence of God who is present everywhere. In his hypnosis, man now turns and says, “Not only did God become an accomplice to the crucifixion of Jesus, of his own son, but he did it for our good. He did it, He sacrificed his son to relieve us of our sins.” That’s the second blunder, and then the third proceeds from that – and so to this God which murdered his own son, we pray.”
- More Herb Fitch RSJ 5A; how to use the testimony of the five senses as the check engine light on the dashboard of consciousness.
“If we were only spiritual form and had no image-bodies out here, we would never know the nature of our own consciousness.
And so now you have a different picture of yourself. You have the infinite Consciousness of the Father, perfect in all ways. You have your human consciousness and it forming a concept about your invisible spiritual body, which is in the Consciousness of God, which is your manifest spiritual form. This human consciousness, forming your concept about that manifest invisible spiritual form, out-pictures an image called your physical body.
Ultimately you see, as the physical body, through its problems, forces you to make a change in your concept, each time your invisible body, your spiritual body, coming through your human consciousness is reproduced inadequately in the image form, you have to make the adjustment. And ultimately, your human consciousness will be Oned, reaching into the infinite Consciousness and as it is Oned, the infinite Consciousness and your individual consciousness become the One Divine Consciousness individualized, which then out-pictures this form, this image-body, in a greater degree of harmony.” - We can learn the physical body is a mental image . It is your conscious concept of the One Spiritual Body externalized as your personal sense of body. As we are learning consciousness is experience; what appears in the corporeal senses is a diagram of how we are thinking.