Easy Life
Title: Choosing the Easy Life Over the Lie.
If demonstrating Divine Law with Scientific certainty was easy anyone and everyone would be doing it. Stay in the Spirit of Truth.
Easy Life is a radio talk show with the title Choosing the Easy Life Over the Lie.

Easy Life:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the differences between survival based living and actualizing the Spiritual life. Listen as they explore the hardships of human ignorance of the Divine Truth which is Omnipresent. In this show they will discuss the value of outlining human development with points of passage and rites of passage as the stepping stone from intellect to Spiritual Consciousness. John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and live by Grace in Spiritual awareness.
- Fear based motivation is rooted in the defense mechanism for The false sense of self and keeps perpetuating the regressive cycle of death and rebirth. Whether we realize it or not we are making a choice when we accept fear, limitation, and mortality as identity. In this choice comes the kickback from the innate desire to be Whole and Complete– Spirit. This kickback is the Love of God often called the Wrath of God which will not allow denial of the Divine inheritance. We have problems to alert us to the consequences of our choices which aren’t really our choices but the operations of a false sense of life with an expiration date.
- On the other hand when we become aware of this option for Spiritual identity which is out of the limitations of fear and mortality we learn there are requirements. Truth will not reveal Its secrets to an unworthy opponent.
- Play the audio file from the website About page.
- It is only the Good Shepherd that the Sheep follow and not the robber or thief. The Shepherd is the Divine Self and the Sheep are the operations of the Divine Truth. As Mary Baker Eddy wrote in Principle and Practice, “
It is the healer’s understanding of the operation of the divine Principle, and his application thereof, which heals the sick, just as it is one’s understanding of the principle of mathematics which enables him to demonstrate its rules.” Jesus gave a parable to explain the operations and application of the Divine Principle with the Good Shepherd. However to understand the Divine Self the Christ one must have been reborn of the Spirit, awaken from the belief in matter, and rest in the Truth. The operation of the Divine Principle is the power of One. One without opposite, One Perfect unchanging Eternal Life. This is the easy Life we are talking about.