By Faith
Title: Live by Faith not by Sight
James 2:26 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”
By Faith is a radio talk show with the title Live by Faith not by Sight.

By Faith:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the hypnosis of the five corporeal sense experience and why we want to awaken into the Truth of Being. Listen as they explain why the mind can’t free itself from its own creation because it isn’t “Real.” In this show they will discuss the false sense of existence compared to the Divine Truth which is the only power in the universe. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 “Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and trust in Divine Truth.
- David L. Keyston wrote, “Mary Baker Eddy recognized mortal mind’s nature as wholly hypnotic, deceptive mesmerism. She recognized that what we perceive as matter through the physical senses actually points to the real, the present divinely spiritual fact; it is mortal mind which presents the counterfeit.” Material sense perceives its own creation the world of matter and mental energy and if we do not know this– we believe the testimony of the senses and deny the Omnipresence of the Divine Creation.
- We start with belief in Divine Truth; the presence, perfection, protection, and activity of this Divine Creation. We then begin to test Its presence by relying on It and in so doing we begin to trust and prove the invisible intangible Divine Principle– this is what we call Faith. James 2:26 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” To begin seeing with the Spiritual senses, with the Soul and not just the mind. We do this by stopping thinking and becoming aware of the Divine Idea, the word of God, the angel of the Church (Lord’s House or Divine Consciousness) and in silence and stillness we watch, wait, listen, for Divine revelation.
- The term we use in Kriya Yoga is Meditation or Dhyana which is the 7th stage of an 8 stage system. Joel Goldsmith of the Infinite Way use the term frequently but Mary Baker Eddy never once uses the term meditation in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and meditate is mentioned on page 630 but it was not written by her but a testimony of Fruitage from reading S&H by M.C. McK. Denver, CO. She does use the term Prayer and for her prayer is communion with the Divine which is what the 7th stage of Yoga is union with the Divine.
- I like what Herb Fitch, Boulder Creek Series 3A “How can you make contact with God by reading a book? Contact with God must be in the Kingdom of God; they don’t print books there. The book is merely to remind you what to do or to stimulate you into a way of doing it, but you must do it. And so for those of you who have thought you could skip your meditation periods, you might just as well have tried to skip this life span. You cannot skip your meditation periods, and furthermore, when you enter those meditation periods you may not enter them for a human purpose. There is no human purpose for which you enter a meditation; that is not the purpose of meditation. The purpose of meditation is to leave the human self outside and to be the Living Spirit. You may have thought you meditated to get yourself feeling better or to cure something or to heal something or to treat something, but that’s not why you meditate at all. You meditate to let God flow as your only Consciousness – He performeth. (21:52)
And so, if you’ve been making that mistake of entering meditation so that Spirit would heal you of a physical problem, please reconsider that at this moment, and see that you are short-changing yourself. The higher way is simply to enter the Kingdom of God, where the problem that you thought you had does not exist. And so in your meditation, you are voluntarily entering the Kingdom of God or you’re not meditating.
You might even be one of the fortunate ones who already are in the Kingdom of God and for you meditation is just an extension of that awareness, so that when you would come out of meditation, you don’t come back into the world, you’re still in the Kingdom of God. And you will reinforce your knowledge that you’re in the Kingdom of God in every meditation. We’re trying to realize the presence of the Kingdom.” - Meditation is a state of being and not an isolated activity performed outside of life. We don’t go back the way we came; we start with the mortal mind but we leave with Soul sense or Divine Mind. We do this by stopping forming thoughts and opinions about information appearing in the material senses and we start Knowing with the Spiritual senses which know only the Divine Truth. This is how we begin to live by faith and not by sight.
- Your corporeal sense mind is the check engine light on the dashboard of Consciousness. Use it to help you navigate through consciousness so you don’t fall into what was called sin. Mistaking the unreal for the Real, the false for the Truth, darkness for the Light. Always remembering, you use the material sense mind to find the Divine Truth but don’t leave the same way you got there; exit through your soul not your mind. This is where the faith comes in and Spiritual sense is cultivated– to lean on what is invisible and intangible by Knowing the presence, power, protection, perfection and activity of Divine Truth.
- Working with the idea of turning, or firmament, or repenting, or the new covenant, as instruction to stop thinking and start Knowing. As an invitation to graduate from thinking with the five corporeal senses and start Knowing with the Seven Spiritual Senses. We can believe in anything but in this model we are looking to demonstrate Divine Law with scientific certainty and to do this we must understand what is meant by living by Faith. To begin we must Love Truth and to love Truth we must know Truth and to know Truth we need the Christ which is the saving aspect of Truth and makes Divine Truth comprehensive to human consciousness.