Truthful Prayer
Title: When Prayer Interferes with Truth
We ask because we see what isn’t there and are unconscious to what is everywhere always.
Truthful Prayer is a radio talk show with the title When Prayer Interferes with Truth.

Truthful Prayer:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about some common misconceptions about what prayer is and how it does and doesn’t work. In this show they will explain why it is futile to ask for anything because Eternal Life isn’t withholding anything. Listen as they discuss prayer as communion with the Perfection of Being and what is meant by “ask in my name.” Don’t seek Spirit instead rest as Spirit. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and live under the protection of Divine Law.
- In this model prayer is union or communion with the Divine. A realization of the One Perfect Divine Life looking at Itself, As Itself, of Itself, and to Itself. One Being, whole and complete without seeking or asking but resting in the Peace that passes understanding. Spirit is the changeless state of Perfect Being; without opposite. We talk about the physics of Spirituality because like attracts like the only way to commune with Spirit is to be Spirit.
- One thing you will notice is mortal sense can’t rest in Divine Truth and as long as there is a you with a desire for anything there won’t be any substance to your prayers. Spirit is pure unadulterated absolute consciousness, it can’t be divided or added to or removed from; the changeless state of Perfect Being. I am everywhere always– Spirit is the only Reality. Making anything that doesn’t have Divine qualities; nothing or unreal. Spirit is Eternal, Infinite, immortal Life and mortal sense is finite, changes and dies. In the Light of Divine Life there is no mortal sense of life.
- Why does asking interfere with Truth? Spirit is running a perfect Divine creation and any person, place or thing is an appearance apart from the Unified State of Oneness. “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.” Mary Baker Eddy S&H p. 468:9-15
- To be in Spiritual Identity there can only be One and when there is a second self it is because it is out of the father’s house not under the law of Harmony but living in sin under the law of Karma. The inner dynamic of this state when you drill down with the idea of thinking and the difference between thinking with a mortal mind (hijacked by the corporeal senses) and Knowing with Divine Mind under the government of the Divine Principle. Here we are learning true prayer can only occur in Divine Mind and whatever we do when we are out of the father’s house is what we now call unreal. It isn’t under the government of Divine Law but is a false sense of life under material law or the law of Karma.