Swami Says
Swami Says is a page used to organize the different directions used to describe the message and the mission for the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga.

Swami Says: Yes!
Swami has a lot to say about Kriya Yoga and the goals and objectives of the Spiritual Science. He uses a few different mediums to get his point across. This page is designed to organize what he has been saying; so you the seeker can find it in all the different forms it appears in.
is a page that gives you links to all the archived radio shows created by the Kriya Yoga Ashram. On this page there are options to use the WordPress posts or the Blog Talk Radio channel
is a page of the videos posted by the Kriya Yoga Ashram.
is a link to the Google Blog posts by Kriya Yoga Ashram.
is a link to the Post Page on this website. This link will open a page displaying all the recent posts.
Yoga Age
Swami Says:
Spiritual Science is the new frontier. For anyone looking for answers to the meaning of Life, look no further.