Residence at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a place to live and stay while you learn the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga.
Residence for the Ashram

Residence for the Ashram
Residence Facility Description at 652 Lafayette Rd. Hampton, NH 03842
The ashram is a 2 bedroom townhouse with a full basement. 1 and 1/2 bathrooms with a full kitchen.
Residence Availability: the unit is on a first come, first served basis; you can stay for a day, a week, a month or for years. Vacancy is required before new occupancy is available.
Current Status: Residence is OCCUPIED
Let us know if you want to be placed on the waiting list: click here
An Ashram is a place for leaning and training the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga. To stay at the facility is an opportunity to live the strategies learned in classes and sessions. A chance to apply the skillful uses of thought, breath, water, food, and exercise. Surround yourself with the ancient wisdom of a genuine Spiritual Science. Stop trying, striving, struggling, seeking, or even asking and start Knowing. Know the Truth that makes you free from the law of karma. Join us and become one with the Divine Principle and live under Spiritual Law.
Program Options: If you are looking for some ideas about how to get the most from your stay at the Ashram go to Metaphysical Personal Training and see what we are offering.

Come to the seacoast area of New Hampshire and learn how to enjoy life to the fullest!
Pricing: Rate includes Classes but not Metaphysical Personal Training.
Daily Rate $60.00 per night.
Weekly Rate $375.00 per week.
Monthly Rate $1475.00 per month’
Residential Criteria