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Cart Summary

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× A poster for the transformational Lifestyle Concepts Labyrinth. LA Book. Labyrinth Booklet $5.00
× A picture from the Kriya Yoga Theory 1 video. K8 7 Video. Kriya Yoga Theory 1 Class 7 Dhyana Video $15.00
× A poster for the Detailed Beginning of the Kriya Yoga Asana class. KADB DVD. Kriya Yoga Asana Class Detail Beginning and End DVD $27.00
× a picture of the K8 Booklet to outline the Kriya Yoga Theory 1 Class Kriya Yoga Theory 1 Outline Booklet $5.00
× Stage 1 Yamas for K8 1-2 DVD Kriya Yoga Theory 1 Classes 1 and 2 DVD $32.00

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