The Holographic Universe

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

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Book 22 is The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
Book 22 the Holographic Universe is a great book for linking western science with ancient religion. The book asks the tough questions, like why aren’t we following the Spiritual path? It is crucial to understand that any book we recommend can be used to educate thought up to Spiritual apprehension. The intention of all Spiritual learning is to take information and apply it. Spirit is a demonstrable Principle and testifies with deeds and not words. Be developing the skill of applying information and following directions we develop reason. I such cases we are not looking for results as much as proving the credibility of information. In Spiritual Science we learn a Principle and a Rule to apply the Principle. The learning of application is what develops “reason” and to graduate from mortal sense to Spiritual understanding. One must walk reason through the open door of Revelation.
At such point we graduate from thinking with a material mind and begin to know with Spiritual sense. Spiritual Truth comes from within and will not come from outside making all reading and study only a preparation for Realization. There are many things which must be in place before one is able to accept Spiritual Identity. Be patient and diligent in your practice. Shams and delusions can be mistaken for sound truths. Be a wise seeker and separate the false from the Real.

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