Mystical Body
Title: Experiencing the Mystical Body
Start with a distinction between mortal sense and the Divine Self.
Mystical Body is a radio talk show with the title Experiencing the Mystical Body.

Mystical Body:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about accepting and living in the knowledge of the Infinite Spiritual Self. In this show they will discuss some practices to be employed in order to induce the transition from material to mental to Spiritual identity. Listen as they explain the various landscapes accompanied by shifts in consciousness. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live as the Divine Self.
- As with everything Spiritual we begin with belief. We believe in the invisible, intangible body, the Spirit body, the body of Christ. Held, controlled, maintained by the Eternal Divine Principle of Life. Perfect, unchanging, whole, and complete.
- To make a distinction between the mortal sense of body and the Divine Self. Herb Fitch RO 20A “The love of the Christ being ever with us, when we are in another form of emotion than Divine Love – when we are in hate, animosity – we are turning from that Love which is ever present. Ever ready to forgive, to erase, to look through the physical activity into the Spiritual harmony ever present. This is our dispensation which we have been ignorant of as human beings.”
- For judging 1John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
- From our Show 380 Mapping the Infinite Spiritual Body where we discuss. Expanding identity beyond the limits of personal sense and body awareness into the Infinite Spiritual Body (Body of Christ). The church tries to represent this by ingesting bread and wine into the physical body which seems to have given humanity the promise of religion but not the God experience. Here we are capitulating the mind/body complex to be ingested by the Mystical Body the Infinite Spiritual body which is everywhere always (a complete surrender of personal sense to the Divine Will, the Divine Mind. And to set the stage for the enactment– we use the Zodiac to stretch personal sense beyond the physical and mental perspectives then add movement to reach beyond thought to embody the harmony with the Divine sequence to attune the mind/body complex in rising and falling and rising to symbolize the surrender of personal sense for Spiritual Substance.
- The outcome can be stated in the phrase, to think with God, as God give to us by Mary Baker Eddy in Body. Her Revelation of Divine Egoism; Only One Perfect Divine Being. The Idea of being swallowed up by the Divine Principle of Absolute Goodness– everywhere always. Nothing to do but trust and rest in the Knowledge– I Am One with All. All this becomes possible when we are born of Spirit. The birth of Christ in consciousness. We must die to personal sense and this is accomplished by mastering the mind body complete to the Divine Idea then burying the purified human consciousness in the Silence and Stillness of Divine Revelation until Christ calls us out. Letting Divine Mind take over the scientific government of the body– no longer my will but Thy Will. To explain the importance of this step we have Matthew 16:28 ““Verily I say unto you, There [shall] be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” We don’t get rid of personal sense until we are born again of Spirit. When we come out of the illusion of finite life and death. To experience the Mystical Body we must have the immortal Mind of Christ.