God Wants
Title: What Does God Want
The Divine Creation is Perfect, Whole, Complete, Changeless, without opposite, which is what God is.
God Wants is a radio talk show with the title What Does God Want.

God Wants:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about how giving the Divine Creator what It wants is the secret to a successful Life. Listen as they explain the purpose to incarnation is to glorify the Creator. In this show they explore the benefits of Knowing the Truth about the Divine Principle and finding a way to let It express the beauty of Holiness. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and acknowledge the Perfection of Being.
- What is the Divine Creator or better known as God? Let’s use the seven words of Mary Baker Eddy to outline the invisible intangible Omnipresence– Principle, Soul, Life, Love, Mind, Truth, and Spirit. For me, I like the Bible to help me reinforce the teachings of Kriya Yoga which I practice. I find the teachings of Herb Fitch help me enormously with applying the symbolism and structure of the Bible to what I call normal Spiritual practices. As we shift from the anthropomorphic concept of God to the omnipresence of the state of being One. We begin to separate from the world view and embark on the quest for the holy grail. Phase One in development is the separation, divide and conquer before uniting and standing. We must leave what is safe, familiar, comfortable, and known to face the fear. Leaving home and embarking on the anxiety, uncertainty, which comes with leaving what is safe and familiar. All this must be done consciously as Mary Baker Eddy said, health in matter must be given up for health in God. There is only One Truth and It heals the sick, reforms the sinner, raises the dead and unless you are bearing those fruits it is wise to admit you do not Know the Truth.
- So, what does God want? God is Eternal Life, Whole, Complete, Perfect, without opposite or beginning or ending. God wants for nothing. What is man? Something other than God, a belief, an illusion, a false sense of existence. Here we begin to challenge collective beliefs, concepts, theories and dogmas and begin to build a mental landscape to support the Divine Principle. Is there anything other than Omnipresent Divine Life? How can that be? Omnipresent means everywhere and if Divine Truth is everywhere in everything there is no room for anything else. What we are calling life this human experience isn’t Life at all. It is a belief in something other than the Divine creation which is all there is.
- Prodigal son parable to help us understand the purpose of a false sense of existence which is more like a giant mind game the Divine Principle is playing with itself. I love the Hindu myth which states God being all the infinite supreme being becomes this world, the universe, all the events, circumstance, and situations for Its own amusement. This makes perfect sense to me and seems to support the belief in a purpose to incarnation is to figure the puzzle before expiration. I see Scripture and Truth as the Divine rules of the game with instruction in how to play and win.
- Start by Knowing God aright and begin to grasp the idea of Oneness. How to Know this Oneness means a departure from the normal way of thinking with tried and true methods of achievement. Once we separate from being individualized by the world mind and embark on the journey for a better way of thinking called Knowing we are playing the game. To win we must return to the Father’s house to get the ring and the robe. The Divine Creator creates the universe to Know Itself. Just as a person uses a mirror to know who they think they are– the small and simple explains the large and complex. The workings of the atom is identical to the workings of the solar system. God wants nothing.
- The idea of living by Grace. I like what Herb Fitch said about John 15:19 “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Herb says, ” And then because I have chosen you, all that goes with this choosing is included. Once you are chosen, once you are accepted as a disciple of Christ, that means the government is no longer on your shoulders. That which chooses you sustains you. All this is implied in “I have chosen you.” Do you not realize that by being chosen, you are given all of the weapons necessary to attain total fulfillment? Once you know you have been chosen and not discarded, then you must know that the Infinite with its omnipresent Mind and omnipresent Power and omnipresent Love is guiding and leading and directing you to the Fulfillment of that choosing so that you can rest back in the ever present invisible arms of the Father saying, “I recognize the presence of God and if I were an Israeli, if I were in the Olympic village and if there were an attack, I, in Christ, would be maintained by That which has chosen me.” How? By the invisible spirit of God. By living in the inner place of the Most High in the knowledge that I in the invisible Vine are one with the Father. I would find that the Spirit of God cannot be penetrated by those who have the desire to kill.”