Kriya Yoga Ashram Disclaimer
Disclaimer: Kriya Yoga is a program of progressive physical and mental exercises; these are lifestyle recommendations and not medical advise. I (means you, the reader) waive any possibility of personal damage which may be blamed upon such a program in the future and accept responsibility for requesting such exercise and assistance. I understand, the possibility of certain unusual changes during exercise and lifestyle recommendations– does exist. For example: muscle strain, falling, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heart beat, and very rare instances of heart attack. I hereby acknowledge and accept these risks.
These products and programs are never intended to diagnose, treat or prevent medical conditions or diseases. We teach the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga, only.
The information contained within these videos, cd’s, and learning tools– is purely informational in nature. In no event shall Institute For Personal Development, Inc. or any individual associated with the organization be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including personal injury and or claims from third parties.

Disclaimer means: No Victims here!
Humans in the adult state are responsible and accountable; they are virtuous by nature. Join us and initiate your process.
Disclaimer at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. recognizes Spiritual equality. Everyone is equally Spiritual. This is a Scientific fact of “Real” Life. We do recognize not everyone is conscious of this Truth. The term used in Kriya Yoga is Namaste which honors the Divinity within and at the same time denies anything unlike Divine Perfection. Stay in the Spirit of Truth– Life is Perfect. Namaste!