How we think is what we become; control your thoughts and start shaping your reality.
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How we think is what we become; control your thoughts and start shaping your reality.
This content is for VIP Members and Samadhi Seeker Members. Astrology Members have access to astrology related and CPS posts only. Free Members have access to free giveaways. Register Here!
Title: Waking Up the Sleeping Senses.
We took Love, Faith, and Humility to the Mountain top and joined Spirit with Truth and saw Light. This is all code for “write” in Revelations.
Title: Full Moon in Aries Conveys Courage.
Courage at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio talk show discussing the possibilities of the Full Moon in Aries.
Title: Practicing the Principle of Perfection 2023.
Start with the understanding– fear and limitation brings fear and limitation but Truth and wholeness brings Truth and Oneness. Consciousness is Experience!