Spiritual Senses
Title: Waking Up the Sleeping Senses.
We took Love, Faith, and Humility to the Mountain top and joined Spirit with Truth and saw Light. This is all code for “write” in Revelations.
Spiritual Senses is a radio talk show with the title Waking Up the Sleeping Senses.

Spiritual Senses:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about some of the comprehensive clues appearing in the corporeal senses to indicate the activity of the Spiritual Senses. Listen as they discuss some of the Kriya Yoga practices to awaken the Spiritual centers. In this show they will focus on Herb Fitch Revelation of St. John Class 4B, “When you’re out of your five senses you are unconscious, but you are not in your five Christ senses, and when you’re in your five Christ senses, you’re out of those five human senses and you’re not unconscious, you’re Christ conscious.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and live under the influence of Divine Truth.
- On 2/17/20 we did a similar show Awake Thou That Sleepest– Here Now. Which came from Ephasians 5:14 “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” In that show, we talked about being awake, asleep, alive, dead as different aspects of the One Divine Life.
- Deciphering the code of scripture let’s look at Revelations and this statement “to the angel of the church in Ephesus write” in order to write there are many things which have to be in place before one is capable of writing meaning there is preparatory work. For example, one learns to speak by converting sound into words then words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into thoughts, and thoughts into ideas. It’s a process, a complicated progression and a requirement! In the same way we are learning to speak with the Spiritual Senses in Revelations which means; write is code for a capability– which began with union with the Divine, love God. Remember last week we took Love, Faith, and Humility to the Mountain top and joined Spirit with Truth and saw Light. This is all code for write in Revelations.
- Here we are learning we are only awake and alive when we are in Spiritual sense and we are asleep and dead in the material sense. We also know consciousness is experience and the outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One when Divine Truth is the only consciousness. Herb Fitch RSJ 20A “the basic teaching of the Bible is unheeded completely. And that is: God is all and God is Spirit. Unless there is a Consciousness, that I Am Spirit, I have not caught the message of the Bible.”
- Herb Fitch also tells us in RSJ 20A “All around you, the people you love, the people you respect, the people you wish to help, are anchored in the belief that we are mortal beings. And there is no way that you can help them, other than demonstrating through your awareness of the Presence of God, that you are not a mortal being.” Talk doesn’t cook the rice and Spirit testifies with deeds not words but we can’t bring forth the Divine image with the material senses, the mortal mind and we must think differently. Awaken the Spiritual senses.
- Herb Fitch RSJ Class 1B, “But the Christ message says that we do not want that snare and delusion for ourselves, because that is not Christ’s safety, Christ’s success, Christ’s comfort. And it can be snatched away by the tides of human circumstance. It has no sustaining law. It has no substance of the Father. It is not a spiritual fact; it is a mental fact. And anything that is a mental fact is subject to the change of mind. This world is a mental fact. Revelation is the perception, through Soul, of the reality that underlies the mental images of this world.”
- On accepting immortality and Spiritual identity as a prerequisite Knowing the Truth. “You are scientifically correct in your statement about yourself. You can never demonstrate spirituality until you declare yourself to be immortal and understand that you are so. Christian Science is absolute; it is neither behind the point of perfection nor advancing towards it; it is at this point and must be practised therefrom. Unless you fully perceive that you are the child of God, hence perfect, you have no Principle to demonstrate and no rule for its demonstration. By this I do not mean that mortals are the children of God, — far from it. In practising Christian Science you must state its Principle correctly, or you forfeit your ability to demonstrate it.”
(The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 242:2) - How to experience Oneness with the Divine? We must come out of the belief in matter and the mental creation which means the mortal mind. We do this by knowing ourselves in the way we are created– Spirit then we can Love God supremely and have faith in the omnipresence, the perfection, the power, and the activity of the Divine Truth. Finally have the humility to sacrifice personal sense by accepting the Oneness of Spirit.